New #pants campaign - Change your avatar to a diaper if you want pants!

Pretty sure you’ll be able to keep as you are or wear the wearables when they’re in. Keep your loin cloth and bra and stop over complicating things :stuck_out_tongue:

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Not over complicating things. If people want pants instead of a diaper. Than they need to apply cover for everything because maybe I won’t let my kids play this game because 100% of the characters run around half naked. If want something covering your legs than I want something that is with my faith so my children can play the game too and not see half naked bodies everywhere they turn.

Each to their own, but they aren’t half naked humans!

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But half naked is half naked. Can’t say we want pants or whatever and that is ok but yet push for a fully covered toon and oh well to each their own. How is pants ok cuz don’t want to be in a diaper but asking for fully covered toons is “each to their own”

Then why do we need pants they aren’t humans? May be wrong but pretty sure the only species that wears pants are humans.

Wrong. No comment lol


Only known species on earth. Trying to apply earthly logic to an otherworldly game doesn’t work :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean, if they’ve ever been to a beach or out swimming, they’ve seen real-life half naked bodies aplenty before. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a lot of debates online about why bikinis are ‘acceptable’, if underwear isn’t.
My take is always "one is made to be worn in public, whereas the latter isn’t ‘supposed’ to be on display in public.
However, there’s a limited amount of relation to the topic with what I’m saying, so I’ll be leaving it at this. :wink:

Honestly I wonder why they need clothes at all. If they’re aliens why would they have the exact same genitals as us? It would be just as likely that they look like Ken dolls and have wangs on their foreheads as anything else lol. And why assume they’re mammals with breasts too?

@jesshyland is a cutie :blush:


What, you didn’t know that’s what the horns on their heads were? :smirk:

I concur. øwøb

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