New perm colors introduced by Sovereign Worlds? Please report here!

yay my favorite color! :smiley:


Well, actually, black isn’t a color , is it? It’s the absence of color . In the spectrum of colors , you go from black , which is no color , all the way through to white, which is every color .

Xena T4 Lush ( Orb. CIRCARPOUS I)

Twisted Wood - Stark Azure
Lustrous Wood - Warm Blue
Ancient Wood - Vivid Cobalt

Waxy Foliage - Light Lilac
Lush Foliage - Light Fuchsia
Exotic Foliage - Light Berry

Barbed Grass - Light Berry
Gnarled Grass - Warm Magenta
Verdant Grass - Lavender

Gleam - Night Azure

Sedimentary Rock - Light Mustard
Igneous Rock - Silk Cobalt
Metamorphic Rock - Dark Blud

Ash - Light Azure
Gravel - Weary Teal
Sand - Light Sepia

Sponge - Ashen Mint
Ice - Cool Mint
Glacier - Cool Mint

Mud - Deep Cobalt
Clay - Silk Lavender
Peaty - Dark Blue
Silty Soil - Cobalt


Is that 3 planets now with night azure gleam?

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Are there portals setup to these planets with the night azure gleam? :blush:

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And Aenea has night azure on her planet I believe


Only if you’re working with additive colors, such as a monitor or a source that’s projecting.


That’s the case with light, but pigments work the opposite.

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I’ve got a portal to night azure gleamball on Xena
And to get to Xena just go to tnt megahub sovereigns section


Got it… THANK YOU for sharing the gleam with us :smiley:


No worries, by today’s end there will be portals / regen farms to any and all resources on Xena so that no running around endlessly is required to get the specific colors :smirk::ok_hand:


how many people added the gleam ball biomes to their planets ?


@Nightstar @Rydralain
Just a few important notes:


As regards the color space, I’m aware they use that but not familiar with it so I’m not sure what it’s based in but would assume it’s an additive system considering the purpose. It was more a comment about the blanket “black is the absence of color” Statement than the game.

For the black gleam TBH I almost started another thread on the topic, it would be nice to get a link to the world builder github or whatever fante is referencing. I think I’ve seen links before but haven’t bothered trying to dig one up and start parsing the files today. There’s aalso no guarantee that the exact same files are being used in live development and deployment without some confirmation from the devs.

It would be solved with some clarification from @james regarding the specific status of black gleam. Since that was the topic when he posted that quote I also took his earlier comment to mean that black was not actively being blocked. In context it seemed clear, but I suppose it could be misleading.


I added the jungle gleam because I thought it was more practical. But I should have gone with the gleam ballz and now I’ll be kicking myself for not doing so.


Mistakes were made

Oxide Azure gleam on my planet :smiley:


Actually thats backwards. Black is all colors combined and white is absence of all color lol. I use to get that wrong all the time on exams in college :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

So many new colors its great

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Just repeating what google said. :dizzy_face:

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