New portal type: Stargate

Would be cool to make a new type of portal, Stargate. You could connect any portal of similar or smaller size to a Stargate, but there is an upkeep cost on both sides relative to each portal size. The minimum Stargate size is 3x3, but any portal 3x3 or smaller can connect as long as its length or width is not greater than that of the Stargate. Additionally, the blinksec limit is doubled for any portals connected to a Stargate since both sides cost oorts. However, the trip is one-way to the Stargate. This addresses the cost and limits of portals without really making it easier to have a million portals.

Additionally, two stargates can connect to each other so long as neither is larger. This connection does allow for two-way travel with a 100% increased blinksec limit.

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maybe after we have 100+ planets plus our flyable ships >.>

Not ships, the one with the ships flopped, remember? :smiley:


I am sure there’s a technical reason the portals need to be the same size. I also can’t really see any actual benefits other than the cool factor? Well, the doubling of blinksecs, sure, but than can be done in other ways I suppose instead of needing to rewrite a huge chunk of the portal code…

@Havok40k had this planned in EA i think maybe he still got some pictures :smile:

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Yeah it’s more of a coolness update than anything. You could have portal hubs and hub portals!

Are DHDs included in this idea?


Thought about that… dial your home portal if it’s connected

The concept of a stargate that I would want is one where ships can pass through them. Since Airships are probably going to be made of blocks, my guess is it won’t technically be possible with the game engine. Mobs don’t run through portals and that’s my assumption as to why an Airship wouldn’t be able to, even though I think it’s something that should change in the distant future.

Complete guesses though on how it would work and be implemented. I just know I want a fleet of airships. So… :man_shrugging:

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I like this idea, but even better, it could have a code system, where inputting the proper sequence would open a Stargate on a corresponding planet. The codes could be hidden on known planets on the surface or in caves. This would allow for inclusion of hidden planets that are too far away to be seen in the sky of any known planet. There should be multiple locations for each code so one person or group can’t hog it for long. The codes would be etched on large ancient monuments maybe a few plots large and be surrounded sparsely by bits of ruins to clue in its existence nearby. This would require some new ancient oortian blocks though.

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I like this idea better… scavenger hunts for symbol pieces or tokens to plug into a stargate. Maybe stargates could be more of a quest related thing? And you have to build or have access to do the quest. Longer jumps take… more stargate power coils :joy:

Or certain chevrons in a sequence have higher minimum power requirements. Maybe Stargates open with spark…? Or blink/rift…?

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What about stargates spawn on planets, but the player can craft the different chevrons to plug in, lets say theres 9 types(1 smartstack). Each address is a combo of 3 chevrons. And you can connect to each stargate provided you got enough powercoils.
These stargates spawn on the new worlds that expire too.
Stargate travel takes 1 oort shard(or x per distance) per person and the gate closes like warps do, after a minute or so.

and then, make a new season fo SGU, dont end with Cliffhanger!!!

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With a quest to follow the signal leading to the lost universe of oortenya!

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Also, we probably can’t use Stargate for the name so we’ll call them Oortports.

the chapa’aioortian portals