New Private Planet Variation - Non-MMO Universe Survival

Players just dont read the forums so when i see them say stuff like “we should have this feature that is on the 5 year old road map” its sort of frustrating…

We aim to support Public and Private worlds when Boundless hits 1.0.

We also aim to release the Server when Boundless hits 1.0.

If we’re unable to release all 3 server configurations simultaneously, then our priority will be the Public Boundless servers. We will then release the Private and Self Hosted servers as quickly as possible afterwards.

We have 1 & 2 and then we get 3 later… we just literally got 2… we have parts of 3.

Its there in black and white(or what ever font color you use) if your game world doesn’t play by the rules its not apart of the main universe, so any of these suggestions automatically go into that 3rd server configuration which was called “independent servers” in one post.

There is literally no need for discussion on how to add these to the main game world because it has already been stated they wont be.

What we really should be talking about is that mini boundless universe emulator we got a couple of months back… Now that we know that a mini boundless server exists the only discussion now is when is it going to be spruced up so that players that want to run their own boundless universe (ie planets <-plural) because for 40.00/month you can get a server that can host way more then 40 players or at the very least more then one planet.

What we would need is that login system that mojang has where your boundless id lets me go to your universe, then i would just go into like a server browser and enter that in and i can connect to your universe that you run on some servers. Modding is server side which means hosts could go buck wild adding whatever.

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