I’m officially starting a series of Youtube shorts covering the basics of Boundless. Episode 1 is slated to come out Friday (it ended up being two parts but I’m only counting it as one ). Shorts have started gaining momentum here in the US with all the negative press about TikTok lately, and if there is indeed exciting news on the way from the Wonderstruck team, it might be nice having a few of these made.
I’ve not seen anyone else make shorts for Boundless, so If I’m repeating things I’m sorry, more than one set though couldn’t hurt right? Right now my plan is for 22 of these 1min or less episodes, one covering most major game mechanics, and one for each crafting station. I don’t have anything planned for the pigmentation ones though since I don’t know much about it as I’ve barely used it so far.
Wasn’t able to get an intro overview for the game in one minute though so that ended up being a part 1 and 2, oh well.
I’ve only got a couple other ideas for videos about the game, I loved the longer tutorials that other Youtubers have made, and I wouldn’t try to replace those at all. I’m just seeing a void in the TLDR type video’s about the game, which might also attract some new blood to the game.
I know a few people that posted shorts recently and they got an excessive amount of views/likes. I think yt is really pushing them right now. Possibly a good opportunity.
Great idea, really like how you cover several things quickly. I just got back to the game after a 6 month break and I tend to need a quick reminder to jog my memory so looking forward to seeing more of these
These aren’t as popular as they could be, but honestly I’m enjoying making them so much. I’m hoping to get the next round recording in the next few days, and even have ideas for more shorts after that. Thanks so much for the support, I’ll keep at this and hopefully improve lol.
got cool short you can make first you go mine with weak hammer go back then you do like some eye of the tiger music montage at the forger and go back and nuke those rocks
you could make more of these
same principle do something weak then craft then kill it
example : weak fighting a enemy drinking potions attacking massive meteor level 6 make it look like you solo it
example : you building like woodenfloor it goes slow
you go beastmode and nuke some trees at a tree farm end shot super designer wood floor
Ok last update here until i get through all the machines. First two shorts for the different crafting stations are up now! They will continue to run through (one station a day) for the rest of next week. I really hope these help at least one new player, if so then it will be worth it!
Last one for a little bit, this one is a basic overview for farming, need to write and record more. Thinking of a tips and tricks info real or something like that.