New to C++ and experiencing major bug?

OK. That’s all good info. We’ll narrow this thing down yet.

It sounds like you had an old version of the other branches then (I had to make a few last minute changes, so I guess they didn’t sync in time). I’ve put macosx-fewtex and macosx-fewtex-gl21 back up if you wouldn’t mind retrying those too.


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All are crashing on startup again!

Got macosx-fewtex-gl21 working (with the distorted colours and other visual side effects like you suggested) but no triangles!!

@Squidgy so the landscape appears in the correct place !? (just discolored)
Could you post a screenshot?
Would you mind trying macosx-fewtex once or twice more? It seems not to work sometimes.

Many thanks indeed.

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Took about 10 times, but I finally got into macosx-fewtex.

Here’s some screenshots from inside that (same thing as fewtex-gl21)

Also noticing the sun rays lagging (like slow motion) when looking towards the sun, but I don’t know if that’s normal and I’ve just never noticed it before.

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I kind of like the psychedelic glacier :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah, it´s maybe not even a bug. His character probably just consumed some of the new plants :smile:


Thanks for those @Squidgy
I’m going to log a bug with Apple, and we’ll keep thinking about possible workarounds and get back to you.

That’s a great help. Much appreciated.

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I thought everything had turned into a winter wonderland, but for some reason all the blocks were just white. Haha.

Thought I would just note that the OS X bug seems to be fixed in the latest test beta builds of the game!


Woohoo :champagne:

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Edit: here’s a video that shows the textures showing up sometimes (based on the camera’s orientation):

Oh I forgot about this bug! (I never had this). I was referring to the sky glitching out bug

Oh, awesome! That’s by far the worse one

@Squidgy That’s great to hear it’s fixed. Thanks for letting us know.

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I’m still experiencing the sky glitching bug…

I could only enjoy the game by digging underground since there is no sky there.

Are you using the latest test build?

I don’t think the latest updates/fixes have been rolled into the more stable c++ build yet.

I’m not too familiar with the technical stuff. I simply click play boundless on steam. Definitely the c++ version but I’m not sure if there were any new updates for the c++ since it was updated on steam.

If you haven’t made any changes to your beta program settings for Boundess, then you’re definitely on the current stable C++ build (C++ is just the programming language used to create the game).

If you want to try the current test branch of the game, to see if you still get the sky glitch, you can do so from your Steam library…

  • Right-click on Boundless in the games menu (on the left), then select ‘Properties’.
  • In the Properties window, click on the BETAS tabs at the top.
  • In the drop down, select “testing - Unstable new feature development”, then click Close.

Steam will then download the current test build of the game (it’ll just show it as updating in the normal way).

Click Play as you normally would and you’re now playing the latest test version (and hopefully won’t have a glitchy sky!).

If you want to get back to the stable build, simply repeat the process, but select “None - Opt out of all beta programs”, and you’re back in the land of stable releases :wink:

Thanks @Stretchious! No more glitch! and i’m having fun with the new items available.

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