Ooooo I can’t wait for this it’s gonna make hunting very interesting and it gonna be nice to see different weapons to shop for
Great news
Yes, another thing about that is that the reward-vs.-diffficulty balance also needs to be tuned.
Please make either swords or shields (ideally both) able to have magnet and glow
I wish we had accesories like rings, necklaces that could be used for boons like that one.
Awesome, cant wait
Weapon rack… that is all
Yes please for the love of god
Can I get a hammer that I can throw and is unstoppable and always comes back to me, please?
all we need now is primitive traps and environment based creatures ( caves etc) to create battle worlds and planets with dungeons and we will be good for the next year, i can’t wait for pvp
With the addition of this can we please get a higher skill point cap per page. Like some where around 110-125
Yes this.
Im one of the few Who plays just 1 character…
I’m hoping they have a more creative solution than that. I can never really get behind “just add a few more points” requests because I’ve never seen a game where increasing a limit a little bit today stopped people from requesting another increase tomorrow.
I mean ideally they would segment areas. Like run x amount of meters would increase your agility etc. But we are so far into live that a change like that seems illogical, at least to me. And with base stats set up like that would mean we have 100 skill points for actual skills
Yeah it would be great to have attributes and skills.
Sooooo are any of the shields round like a (O.O)
There were round shields in the preview - gleam iirc?
Well At least somewhat solution would be chabging epics as 2 pointers. That would save a lot of skillpoints…
And would be easier solution than reworking the whole thing.
I never understood example why you could t do both brew and food crafting with one char example… It feels really weird To have a crafter that has To choose from those…
Welcome back. Nice To see you here.
I rendered these from the game files a while back, the colors are off, but the shapes should be similar unless they have been modified since I looked at these.
They may be the easiest to craft but me open a shield Store \ (^-^) / Mwahahaha