Night Vision Goggles

Now that we have a TRUE night because of the awesome light changes it is time we are able to make Night Vision Goggles.

Please… Thank you.


Yes, that would be very helpful!

Don’t you get to design a tool as part of your Oortian Backer Package? :thinking:

Not waisting it on that… It is allocated to my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator




i’m unsure about this the thing is its super easy to bypass the need for them and just mod the files to make things brighter so i could see console players saying that its unfair that they have to spend time and mats to be able to see outside while you got PC players just running around like its the middle of the day.

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Or we can have this in the game instead of people who don’t want to bother modifying game files can actually have more content in the game.

Content > mods every time.

Boundless Trade should be a thing in the game too. All the features it has.


This was a game asset I was asking for. All players can. use.

My main does wear goggles…:sunglasses:

Not sure about this - what about night vision contact lenses so everyone dosen’t look like there wearing goggles all the time?

Could be a cool armor to add that possibly uses some type of fuel.

Goggles looks so cool after the update :stuck_out_tongue:

That would be awesome, it is so hard seeing those critters in the dark.

Well honestly, I would assume the night vision could have an augment for “heat” detection to help you spot those people/creatures.

Overall, though, I absolutely love the night in this game now. I curse when it gets dark and I am building. But, then I remember I can just put out some torches and continue… or hope one day we have powered lights we can move around or something.

So I want the dark but I want some of the other assets to fill out the game. Plus it is more stuff to craft and more stuff to flush out your character and role play or whatever… it feels more fun.

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I like the night, it seems that the plant collecting for glowing plants is extremely fun, I wish all the plants foliage would glow like on avatar.

Wait you get to design a tool?

yea im confused too i waybacked to just before launch and all i can see is a “craft tool” but that just means they gain access to it

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Wow, fair play for putting 5k into this game and you deserve a reward lol, but designing an item sounds like a bad idea - unless its just cosmetic - god I’d love 200% plots! :smiley:

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“Design an in-game item” is the perk that he is referring to.

:man_facepalming:thanks must have looked at that like 20 times and still missed it