[Nilrebmah I] --[Blink Tier 7 Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

Sponge in tree form


Had time to explore and really enjoy the winter wonderland vibe here.

Still lots of goo around too

Put some completed atlases and a few free location tokens up in VB Rocket Shop (via portal in PS Hub Boori)


What a lovely forest shots ! :))))

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Thanks!! :smiley:

Personally im on a same boat with you.

When exos were introduced my first thought was… yes finally i can get to colors that are not in the game.

After few exos it came clear that theres somewhat specific cycle with these…

It was great at first but now… im forced to either start goo farm or just spend lots of coins for sprays.

I get your frustration… its same for us that build with wood example… for you its worse cause you cannot spray gleam :confused:


I just went there to mine some rock and these numbers seem really low for a fully decked character. This is what I got for 1 hammer, 2000 dura, no persisting pie in about 40 minutes. The place was swiss cheese all around, these were just the scraps.



Hey michi… when you start doing 3x3 axes.

I’ve got most of them in stock already :slight_smile:


40 minutes


Nice haul friend!

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How do you collect the “seam”

With a shovel and the gathering epic

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What that’s awesome!! Never knew you could do that!

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I also see people saying you can put gleam in an atlas but never worked for me

Nope, that doesn’t work currently… perhaps in the future?

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You can see gleam on the Atlas. Don’t remember if it has to be empty or have a warp aug in it. @james once said you can’t really see the gleam on a populated planet on the Atlas because the player placed light sources are brighter than the gleam.

You can see it on an empty atlas in the dark. They act like light source on the atlas. Like you said if there is many build with gleam on the planet, you will see that aswell.

Awesome thank you

Posted this in the exo shuttle thread but thought it worth mentioning here too - worth going for the diamond and hard coal here, huge diamond hotspots!