When arriving in the Sanctum, I get the notification that my planet is “locked” but the info about it tells me that I have 1 week left and membership also has 5 more days left. What is wrong with my planet?
Your planet is expiring. Did you refuel? (it may be obvious but I had to ask)
Not an expert but it has been pointed out a “expiring” sov world exists for 2 more weeks (read several times on the forum ) after fuel runs out (which in turn locks the planet) to give the owner a chance to buy world fuel and refuel the world.
So in total you will have per purchase 1month (4 weeks or something) of world fuel to (re)activate the world which resets the expiring time again by 2 weeks(for next time the fuel runs out).
- world fuel stacks (so you can buy a years worth at once if you like).
- expiring time is always 2 weeks. (Doesn’t stack per purchase and the world completely disappears after the timer runs out)
Again not an expert in sov worlds but that said have had a few hooked up to my hub since release and could see from my side how long a sov world was/is fueled for when looking at the portal(s).
So like @ciprianb asked im thinking your world fuel ran out and you need to refuel.
Because it “sounds” like your world is in the expiring stage -> so its locked.
Yes, looks like it was (I have refueled it now) locked because of this. I can now get back to it. But now I see another problem: when I try to extend gleam club membership, I am asked to switch to Steam Overlay to approve, but no key I assign to this steam setting will do anything to switch to steam dialogs. What could be the reason for this? For the planet extension I had already gone to the shop via web access, but gleam club does not offer this path.
be sure to have this checkbox enabled:
there’s also a game specific setting (right click → properties in the library):
Ah yes, the last dialog setting did it, thank you so much…even if I do not understand why Boundless needs an own enable setting here
Now I am back in the game to watch for promised new releases a few more weeks… Happy playing to all of you!
You were able to finally access your planet after fueling & were able to extend your Gleam Club, successfully?