No internet D:

So just wanted to let people know that my shops may be unstocked and my portals are going to go down I think (TNT and DKs tree) because the window fitters on Saturday decided my phone line was just an unnecessary hindrance and cut a section of it out!! :frowning: :frowning:

My new windows are magnificent but I have no internet until Wednesday and I think Iā€™m losing my mind :sweat:


Donā€™t worry Trickyy, weā€™re here for you on the forums :stuck_out_tongue: :hugs:
Hopefully you get your internet back sooner so you can come back to boundless :heart:


Trickyy-chan still has :cookie: s \ (^-^) /


Tricky can you tether your cell phone line? Do that if you have a free amount or unlimited with your cell phone plan.

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I used to tether and still do if there is a problem. May or may not be a good connection but prob can fill portals. I used to play destiny in a raid with 8 people on mic for two days tethering. No issues. Sometimes it works great

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Canā€™t you hotspot with your phone just to fuel portals :smiley: Thatā€™s all i did when i moved house and had to wait for the company to come install it at my new property

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What I just said lol :joy:

Hmm Iā€™m not sure how any of that works but it sounds intriguing! Though I only get 10gb of data and Iā€™ve no idea what itā€™d use of that?

Most times they include a separate amount for free, none or unlimited. And of course a amount you can pay for. Check your plan and see if hotspot is on your plan. Usually if you donā€™t have it you can do it period. So I donā€™t think you can get charged.

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What kind of phone do you have? If itā€™s Apple it looks like this

Yikes, I know I dread losing mine!! :frowning: Even brief outages, haha, now that Iā€™m so into Boundless! :wink: Hope they get it back up ok and on time!!

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You would just activate it, give it a password. Then on your ps4 search for it like you would any WiFi. The name of your phone would pop up. Click on it and it will ask for the password.

Iā€™m actually on android, Iā€™m sure I can figure out the equivalent way though. Thanks for this gonna try it later! :smiley:

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I played on hotspot several times (4G) and it was smooth enough to hunt.

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I used thethering from smartphone too in the past and I realized was better than my old internet connectionā€¦ :joy:

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You have an Android or iPhone?

10GB of data is more than enough for port refueling! Iā€™ve been without internet for 2 days last year because some professionals decided to do work on two different places where they both hit cables from my ISPā€™s, sighā€¦

I think I barely got to half of that for over a day of play time, the game thankfully does not use much data (hence why there are some limitations in what they can addā€¦)


Oh wait! Youā€™re on PS4 huh? if itā€™s just for refueling portals you can also use the RemotePlay app on your phone! Tho touchscreen controls are sooooooo not handy but it works if youā€™re away from home too :slight_smile:

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I use my PS vita every day at work through my phones hot spot, works great. Boundless mobile :slightly_smiling_face:

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Use the Neighbors Internet we need Trickyy-chan in Boundless


oof! I had that happen around my apartment complex. I was somewhat lucky. While others had their lines cut, mine only suffered lack of ā€œgiveā€ as my cable repair guy needed three inches of slack to repair a broken socket, he got less than a centimeter giveā€¦ and the wall had been rebuild recently by the apartment complexā€™s renovators, with full wood panels as insulators (not possible to cut through without some machinery). My internet people had to team up with apartment complex and renovators to feed new cable lines into all the apartments. It took weeks, but it did get done.

the lack of respect some electricians give cable or phone linesā€¦ I question why they even have that job D:

I hope someone can help cover for you so you wont lose your stuff.

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