Not a serious suggestion, but I'm would you feel about a complete wipe?

id do it again, no problem…

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A gated content scenario would make more sense than a wipe… a new planet where you spawn in naked and leave your stuff at the door to pick up later.

If a computer virus wiped the Boundless servers I would still keep playing.

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I wouldn’t mind but I’m just here to go with the flow and provide temporary order to the chaos. From a business standpoint it’s the most terrible idea I can think of

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A sound solution to the Spitter problem.

‘I say we take off and wipe the planets from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.’


u could just settle on placid worlds or get some stealth… but yea lets armageddon

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So long and thanks for all the fish :stuck_out_tongue:


I would be guttered, Ive put in 600 hours since launch and It would really crush me at this point.


I don’t think I want to start over from scratch, no, I would quit the game, maybe not forever, maybe I would come back after 6 months a year.

And then always will I have this lingering feeling “when are they going to reset again?”

Because more things could’ve changed by then…


Meh, I already worked for an insane amount of time just to have it wiped. I’d do it again. I am here for the enjoyment anyways, not really out to achieve anything.


I would probably welcome it… I haven’t done much in the release worlds as far as building goes…
the biggest upside would be a chance to generate DIVERSELY coloured worlds. no duplicate blocks/colours.
having a black meta and a black sed on different worlds (or even the same world) would be fine (awesome actually) until all colours exist for every block. (that is 256 PLANETS!! we have a LOT of duplicates already for only 42 planets.)
it is perfectly possible to have dozens of planets with earth-like colours for the starters. the acceptable palettes need to be expanded.

This reminds me of some old browser pvp game I used to play. Everyone was a battling wizard and the top tier of gameplay was ppl trying to spend all their resources casting a multi-day Armageddon spell to reset the game world, and others trying to stop them.

tl;dr: If the Boundless devs put a doomsday prophecy into Oortian lore I’m gonna try and fulfill it! :smiling_imp:

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hey, ur in my league with the hours `:D but i was too much afk to take this number seriously

100% nope.

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%100 Done if Wiped!

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i wanted to reply “nope” but there is a minimum of 10 characters…

that’s how the 100% was born…

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I do want a private server when they are released for a brand new world. But I wanted it connected to the grid :slight_smile:

if they wipe the game, im out.
out for ever, because i never know if they are wiping again.


I find this to be a rather pointless discussion that is not constructive at all. The release universe is here. There will be no wipes.

What more is there to discuss?


We might do temporary worlds at some point. Worlds that only exist for a week or so and cannot have beacons placed on them. This also has the nice side effect that nobody can build portals to them so players would have to warp to the planet.


I would 100% never look at this game again because 1 wipe means a chance that they will do another wipe after that. Even if its a 5% chance.