[NOTICE] Exploits and Abuse

Yep, someone already said the same thing, I once again did not read further and hit the reply button too soon :slight_smile:

I too replied

I think some players multibox and do some botting, yes.

But anyway, yes maybe in that video he stopped ever so slightly to send a message. Without affecting the bombing rhythm. I always forget how much faster it is for PC players to type, since I’m on a PS4, if I stopped throwing my regens to type something, it would really slow down my throwing of regens bombs lol

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Going to need stickers on goods at stores for the anti-botters.

Buy my sap! It is organic and locally sourced :smiley: hehe


Rofl, I’m going to have to put up a sign in my shop now.


And environmentally friendly because they regen’d the trees and didn’t plot out the resources when they were done.


Interesting how the temperatures goes up at this topic.
Whatever the Devs consider as an Bug-Abuse or Exploit, it is what it is.
But in general abusing mechanics are an grey area.
Back in the days, when you could level a new toon in 3 hours to 50+, just with using Crafting Tables and Stones, i decided not to jump to that train.
I am okay with it, not to have Level 1000+ now, not even close to.
But sometimes it bothers me, that people used to abuse that and have for that reason masses on Plots available. Not because they build with this Plots incredible Buildings, but because for that reason the XP on Stones got nerfed, and on a long run, the Beacon Restrictions we got now are somehow among other things a consequence of this.

Yeah i can understand, people want to be best, highest, most shiney, most rich…
… but no Abuser ever thinks about the consequences we all have to live with in a long run.
Most interest thing is, this will be the same who complain and cry about changes that litterally had their beginnings in their abuse.


I disagree with some that are like “its like this, its a choice not an exploit” It may be out of context.

But for example. If the player was around a time… where he recieved normal amounts… then he realised… something went off… and basically his whole gamestyle then evolved around using the difference… the so called exploit to gain GREAT benefits, without reporting. Even not stopping when the issue was known.

Not knowing would be a good defense. But i dont see, why a penality cant be considered.
If he made 200% more of what he should. If you can take 100% off that without ruining his game… do it.

If its just coin… For example you are supposed to have 5 million coins… but now got 50 million… and they took 40 million and you are supposed to know… I dont see why not. Specifically if the exploit is the greatest part of your gameplay. Of course, it can come with a note - being like: Oh - i am sorry, we have to investigate this the funds have been deducted, please corresponded with us to clear the situation wether u knew of it or not.

You DO NOT HAVE TO LOVE The support AT ALL TIMES. Humans makes mistakes. But excusing others therefore is also wrong.

You see it all the time people pretending like they didnt knew… then ruining the reputation of a game… and going on as if they are allmighty. They are not. If you do something wrong, no one else knows of your damn gut feeling.

.> In the first instance i would suggest - if someone heavily exploits with or without knowledge… to get some of his progress deducted or get banned, if he is still exploiting other exploits.

A lot of people are not about “this should be fair” what is fair even? There is only action and consequence, fair is an illusion. Fair would be to get an apology for deducting progress and that they want to shield other players for the cosequences of heavy exploiting.

.> Worst case scenario… you alsways use exploits… instead of getting banned a character gets reset - you will have support interaction in case of money transactions… and get those refunded to your now clean character.

And a lot would just scream thats unfair. But how do you balance a punishment… and how can u accurately judge wether someone is exploiting. Yes it is difficult. Yes - u can fear people start harassing your game. But if you stay in tune with your community… and the community is a fan of not exploiting… then at some point there should be consequences.

There are players that don’t use the game shopping economy and have no idea or care what things cost from a shop. Some players only use their coin for guild buffs. I don’t think they would recognize the minter pricing error.


Exactly, i almost just use Minter for Portaltoken i have in my Inventory and that are “outdated”.
And they don’t give any coin, i just don’t like to pick them up again, when i drop them somewhere in my base.
Okay, i used twice Minter for Gleam, when it was still a thing.
But it was boring for me to mine Gleam, place them into Machines to refine them, take them out and do them into Minter.
Such a stupid task, after 2 Rounds i droped that and don’t wanted that “cheap money”.


For the love of everything Boundless, stop pushing for a coin rollback. It’s starting to get seriously annoying and it will most certainly pee people off to no end.

What’s the point of continuing this argument when the devs said they won’t? Trying to change their mind? Is that it.

I am sick and tired of this BS in the forums, same with the emoji stuff which, after release, apparently did absolutely not have the results all the complainers imagined.

This too is not going to matter to you at all, you won’t notice it that a few people made some more coin than normal, then why keep pushing for a punishment for something that was not wrong to even do to begin with.

It boggles the mind and am getting fed up with it…


I support this post. :100:

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We don’t even know the exploit in question. The forums can speculate all day… but no one knows what the exploit in question was that spawned the announcement. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the spark…

We also don’t know what actions were taken upon the people in question.

This is a good part of the reason I discourage the people who are talking about “honest players”, “moral compass”, etc… using condemning language or derogatory statements and whatnot.

There was ongoing discussion regarding that price anyways and several people saying it was more in line with what they thought the value “should be” than the current markets. I.E. seeing it more as a “correction” than an “error”.

It’s just the latest point of contention and IMO this bit of “current events” has wrongly overwhelmed this thread in any case. IF the price had been misrepresented then it would surely have been recognizable as a bug, and using it easily classified as an exploit. As it was … :man_shrugging:


This was clearly still about the spark minting…

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I don’t think it’s clearly about anything. The devs haven’t made it clear. People can presume all they want, but I could be something that no one knows.

Unless you have been given privy info, I don’t think it’s fair to assume.

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I replied to a post that was clearly about the minting of spark.

I wasn’t talking about the reason this thread was created


Another thing to consider is what if said person who had 5 mil, got 50 mil, and then spent 40 mil buying stuff from shops, essentially giving money to shop owners, which they in turn can now buy more stuff, and then craft and sell additional stuff. Take it a step further and they who got money runs a portal hub and used the money to buy oort to fuel portals.

The money is already spent, so would punishment send them into the negatives, meaning that they wouldn’t be able to do anything further with that character? Unless they’re heavily invested, a lot would just delete the character and thereby alleviate the punishment.


Please everyone drop the spark issue… it is over… Devs have made their position clear… nothing to be gained by further discussion except fire and brimstone


I would quit playing. It’s that simple. Too many annoyances lately and it’s starting to get to me, the endless bickering in the forums trying to sway the devs to do things that will upset half the player base.