Now that copper and iron cost the same or more than titanium (ore or bars), what are some good “base metal” recipes?

I tend to just craft refined copper and iron out of any extras I pull in. Since have 1000’s of bars sitting on shelves, I figured I could leave those where they are and any extras I don’t sell just get refined. Easy from that point to make them deco or whatever requires refined. Nice to build with too at times.

Maybe there are people wanting to buy SS of refined copper and iron in bulk?

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I think OP is asking: what can I use titanium for instead of copper since copper sells right now.

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Filigree!! hahaha but that’s not quite base is it.

Also, my bad for misreading the post. Been a long work day. I’m a little foggy until I get home and unwind…with Boundless

You could make a bunch of signs?

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No more signs I bed of you @DKPuncherello

I mean I may as well make some titanium signs. Why not.

Maybe somebody wants the opposite:

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Titanium doesn’t really have any good recipes =( Just power coils. All the other recipes cost precious alloys.

You can use it as a base metal to make stuff. Like tillers. Or augments. Probably atlases?

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Oh wow, you can!? I just now understood that point. I had no idea!

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What are the stats on the titanium tiller? never made one.

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All metal ones are the same

If it actually says “any base metal” you cannot use titanium, it’s not a base metal.

If it says “any metal” you can use titanium.


I’d forgotten about poles/beams using titanium!

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According to @Mayumichi pricer


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Did you try that? Ti is not a base metal and the knowledge in game does not mention that you can use it to make a tiller from it.


They should change that IMO then.

Isn’t one of the cups made of titanium?

Titanium Alloy

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I use titanium to make metal storage boxes with, doesn’t need to be alloy.

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Titanium is cheaper than iron and copper?
Wa wa WA?