[Objective] The Great Replenisher

IT would be nice If that ll be fixed , its so Long now and nothing Happens …

So can I barrow those bombs for 10 citizens

There is a way to repair them via reclaim too :slight_smile:


It’s funny cause I said that’s what it needed and the devs told me no it wasn’t that :sweat_smile:

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??? Via Reclaim ???

The reclaim stores the wear in only few discrete values.
So if you use an item once, and reclaim, it should come out in brand new condition.
It may be that this changed. It cannot be used as an exploit as it would be very time consuming but you could use it on rare items like unobtainable feeding bombs.

PS. I never tried this because I don’t own “rare” items.


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Was this bug ever fixed? I still have it in my Objectives too.

No still a bug lol

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@james can we have a fix for that?
There are so many which want to complete all the tasks and are not able because of that .

Greetings and thx in advance

Maybe I’m just misreading the objective… The “Great” Replenisher.

If I’m truly honest with myself, I’m an average replenisher at best.

Perhaps I just don’t quality.


Maybe the new team can fix this for us in the future.


How many throws outta one bomb, maybe we can find one and pass it around at some kind of Great Replenisher party :wink:

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Maybe @Jiivita still has that one bomb around. Hah.

I know who has one but i am not telling lol. He was kind enough to lend it to me and let me hit him 10 times while he was doing something that drained his energy and get the achievement! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: It does seem odd to have the achievement out there yet with so many unable to get it though.

At the time it was implemented, the bombs were widely available.

Then for some reason it became another relatively simple thing they left untouched while they worked on vastly more complicated algorithmic systems to control what people could plot :thinking:

This is one of many small things in the game that prevent the platinum from being attainable and I fully support any effort by Monumental to fix it along with the other issues so we can 100% the game :clap::clap::clap:

Even If you complete the Task the great replunisher you won t get the trophy for completing …i ve done all and No trophy thats buged…

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Im just a completionist and would love to finish up some of these. If I actually got some sort of trophy is just a bonus.

So if anyone has a bomb or knows of someone send um my way.

I just sent an email to support, maybe the new team could fix this.

Three years later … Im still stuck on this. :woman_shrugging: