[Objective] The Great Replenisher

@james can we have a fix for that?
There are so many which want to complete all the tasks and are not able because of that .

Greetings and thx in advance

Maybe I’m just misreading the objective… The “Great” Replenisher.

If I’m truly honest with myself, I’m an average replenisher at best.

Perhaps I just don’t quality.


Maybe the new team can fix this for us in the future.


How many throws outta one bomb, maybe we can find one and pass it around at some kind of Great Replenisher party :wink:

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Maybe @Jiivita still has that one bomb around. Hah.

I know who has one but i am not telling lol. He was kind enough to lend it to me and let me hit him 10 times while he was doing something that drained his energy and get the achievement! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: It does seem odd to have the achievement out there yet with so many unable to get it though.

At the time it was implemented, the bombs were widely available.

Then for some reason it became another relatively simple thing they left untouched while they worked on vastly more complicated algorithmic systems to control what people could plot :thinking:

This is one of many small things in the game that prevent the platinum from being attainable and I fully support any effort by Monumental to fix it along with the other issues so we can 100% the game :clap::clap::clap:

Even If you complete the Task the great replunisher you won t get the trophy for completing …i ve done all and No trophy thats buged…

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Im just a completionist and would love to finish up some of these. If I actually got some sort of trophy is just a bonus.

So if anyone has a bomb or knows of someone send um my way.

I just sent an email to support, maybe the new team could fix this.

Three years later … Im still stuck on this. :woman_shrugging:


I’m in hope that email support and showing this still exists helps. Maybe they can just complete that objective for everyone automatically or something or change it so that another bomb works for this.

I know. There are knock on issues but this is one of several that if all fixed would help towards the trophies/achievements. The objectives have several problems and even if you complete all the objectives you won’t get the journal feat for completing all the objectives. :woman_facepalming:t2: I’ve reported several issues with feats and objectives over the years to Wonderstruck with minimal changes but I’ll keep trying when it’s appropriate and through the correct channels

Edit to clarify I was talking about previously, not Monumental

Once we’re at the point to start working on the game, we’ll reach out to everyone and get more information on pain points. I appreciate that you want things fixed; we’re nowhere near that stage. We’re still getting company information transferred.

Necroing old posts isn’t ideal either, so can we not do that, please. :heart:


OK, but can I lol…pain points…lolololol. Love it.

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May i introduce you to the last person, that asked to stop the necroing?


I’ve been looking for something like that to no avail


So, there’s also a lot of off-topic here :rofl:

The necroing is encouraged by Discourse, for sure. It presents suggested topics with absolutely no regard for post dates. I’m not sure it seems to have some keyword check for relevance too, which means when you’re browsing a current thread or searching for stuff, you’ll often see the exact topic you’re looking to discuss and it’s easy to not notice that the year of the post is some time ago.

That and poor sorting/presentation (this is largely on whoever first set this forum up and never updated it) often lead to a sort of meandering conversation around the forum, and having a relatively small community with little moderation adds to that. When 90% or more of topics are “general discussion” it doesn’t seem to matter much.

IMO better to necro a still relevant thread and continue a single discussion than to start a XXth thread on the same topic just because it’s been 60 days since someone brought up a 3,4, or even 5 year old standing issue. But a lot of people are trained to see reviving adding to any old post as bad.

I agree. I was just going through my objectives and I was stuck on this one and I couldn’t remember if someone had solved this so I did a search for “replenishing bombs” and lo and behold.

I’ll tech responsibility for the necro, but as you stated @Nightstar I’d much rather just post in this thread to highlight he issue and show some history. I was afraid a new one would have just been merged.