[OFFER EXPIRED] Axes for the Spooky-orb-gathering-action

Spooky-Orb season starts soon! You need some axes for the gathering action?

SUNSET FORGE MARKET :sunny: - Beginner Equipment Shop offers silver axes at low costs!

It’s unforged for a reason: all the fancy durability etc topaz and whatall axes can be quite pricey. You can get instead 3,5 unforged silver axes at same durability for way less coins!

Work efficient and keep the forgers sanity :crazy_face:

Access through TNT MEGA HUB - HUB NETWORKS-wall, ULTIMA, GALACTIC GATEWAY, THE FUTURE OF FARMS, GTG Dzassak, TNT All-Block-Museum :slight_smile:

This Shop is owned by the awesome @L3g3ndaryPhoenix.

[SUNSET FORGE MARKET is a market created to support the community, -forgers and customers. Not always is the high maxed tool the best option. For the customer there are sometimes cheaper solutions, as well as for the forger easier solutions. We are all here to enjoy the fun in a game, with keeping things easier and relaxed we create a nicer gameplay for all of us. That’s the SUNSET FORGE MARKET’s mission.]

Of course everyone is free to decide for themselves and this advertisement shall not at all function as an anti-advertisement for all the forgers in the community that influence our gameplay in such a positive way! :slight_smile:


I just restock the Shop today with variety of stuff including 300 + silver axes

Good job! :slight_smile: Silver axes by the way available at 125coins!

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