Official Opening of the Storis II Welcome Center!

Ill def will be around to check it out :slight_smile:

i love storis! i would like to be hired to make houses for people in neighborhoods with pre-provided plots and materials! ranging from a 2x2 plot to a 1x1 cottage or tower! you just draw the concept art and i make it happen!


Are you able to replicate an existing house? To match the chiseling and all?

i just need pics and i can do it! interior, exterior and all. 5k a plot

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All affordable housing is a 5x5 plots but missing 1 corner so 24 plots total. They have a few specific amenities to support early gameplay such as;
coiled machines (5 per),
crafting tables,
plenty of storage,
accessible interiors,
lots of open space behind for growth,
Super flat terrain
plenty of lighting and a great view.
All with access to a provided portal.

@LunaiHunter, If your willing to copy the house next to it, we have a deal. 24 x 5kper = 120k :slight_smile:

Letā€™s start with one house and see how it goes. I reserve the right to change anything at the end, just to ensure consistency through out all affordable housing.


let me know when you want to open that Golden Fist portal :smiley: also, do you reach to Cephonex Merica?

We do not involve ourselves with the likes of Cephonex Merika, Thatā€™s a USE planetā€¦Those guysā€¦They have civil wars over thereā€¦Here in USW, we hang loose dudeā€¦Hakuna Matata yoā€¦



LOL theres a good guild over there that gets new players frequently, just a thought

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Haha yeah cephonex is US east - what guild? Theyā€™re welcome to open a portal

Onesimus, some pretty chill people over there.

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Hey @Mittins Iā€™m at the welcome center and thought Iā€™d let you know that Alder is part of US East, not Europe.
Also the guild buffs for the Sasquatch guild are : grapple and run 3, spark and wear 3 and builderā€™s buff 3


Thank you so much! I appreciate anybody who fact checks our work and letā€™s me know where we may have made a mistake. I donā€™t want to mislead any new players with bad infoā€¦

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The place looks beautiful btw!!! :slight_smile:


Thank you! Im considering this my REAL contribution to boundless :slight_smile: and it has been recieved well from the community so thank you all!


No lie when I first started playing boundless I thought it was a weak minecraft clone. Then I started running around my starter planet and ran across a couple other players builds. One of them had a portal to the welcome center.

The welcome center just blew me away, I realized there were people actually playing the game. And the hints/tips signs helped my understanding of game mechanics alot.

Every starter planet should have one, and portals to it setup throughout the planet.


Thanks man! Your appreciation helps keep it going!