Official Screenshot Submission Thread

No where near done yet, but here’s my treehouse:


I like the fog in these shots, not sure if it was intentional, but it looks pretty cool :blush:

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Have you seen the caves on selta?
They are huge.

I am still working on it but I wanted to share my cliff Nordic Hall. I want to make a whole town on the side of the cliff like that with bridges connecting them. And maybe an Airship dock.

It is on Agabab, -287.07, 149.90, -1679.27.
Please come visit loved to see you there.


how long is this tell they up-lode the pix and how do i post screen shots. im kinda new to all this :confounded:

Dunno, they tend to cluster things, so when they release one thing they release EVERYTHING

to upload pictures click this and then you can select one either from the net or form your own computer, if you have a website which is literally just an image you can just post the website directly.

:lester::lester::lester: A new project. I’m very excited about this one :smiley: :lester::lester::lester:


I’ve been there! Awesome place.

Here’s a screenshot of mine: starry night on Cshrime.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Your turn devs

My current project… Have towers scattered all over the Eastern US Servers though…


Woah, those are awesome!

Thanks. A few more from the other side… From the top of the “Wizard’s Guild”. Can better see the layout of the Citadel, Temple, Skyway, and watch towers…

All still “under construction”.


post 112 lighting is not all bad, this blew me away when I saw it the first time!

And as promised, the Lester family tomb with new 112 lighting. NEVER FORGET!!


Comparison between lighting in 111 and 112

Overall things are a lot brighter overall, which would obviously be the case if point lights were increased in luminosity. I’ll have to remove some lighting to get the somewhat darker feel I had in build 111. However, there also seems to be a difference in the player camera’s field-of-view. Things feel closer and I feel like I have a lot less peripheral vision.

The images below were taken in the same position and roughly the same orientation with the daytime set to “0” (ctrl-0). New new lights were added.

Example 1

Build 111

Build 112 (New Lighting)

Example 2

Build 111

Build 112 (New Lighting)

Example 3

Build 111

Build 112 (New Lighting)


Did you mean “No new”?

This is an awesome comparison. I haven’t popped into game yet, but from these screenshots it feels pretty good - the lighting on the glass blocks in your second example is really snazzy, too

Oh yea, “No new lights were added.” Thanks.

Nice, i like the changes.

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From the Project Gortnen