Oldest beacon in game?

first day, first world - I only ran around for a bit and then placed it

someone logging in 1st minute of the game and placing beacon where they stand must have the oldest beacon I guess? if it’s still standing

so 2 categories kinda:

  1. the oldest beacon (or the first beacon in game)
  2. the oldest continuously fuelled beacon (or the oldest beacon among currently active ones)

I’d love to know both!

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I have screenshot dated 16 August 2018 just before the early backers’ launch; 2pm still the old universe; then longer break in screenshots and 8pm it’s Lasaina (I’m pretty sure I was waiting for the launch and got on Lasaina shortly after the new universe was online; but I spent some time exploring before placing my first base beacon; I did first beacon earlier just to have that part of tutorial done and later I wandered off to look for a spot I’d like more).

2PM - old world

8PM - Lasaina

I think the universe was briefly online early afternoon but then it crashed and was back sometime later. Am I remembering it correctly?

Oh, and four days later on Boori, I found a perfect spot for what I planned to be my big base and started building; I am still there:


omg, omg - I actually recorder first couple of hours on Lasaina; never used it to make a video;

I am placing my first tutorial beacon shortly after 9PM (August 16, 2018 of course). :sunglasses:
It’'s not there anymore as you can guess.



Got to love the old stories of the beginning.

I’m hoping we can find out the longest standing beacon currently active in game.

Think it would be a cool piece of history.

@boundmore you know you have to post that video right :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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errrm… lol I have a few from first 2 or 3 days
Just looking at them; yeah so cool to recall those moments; I’m shouting cause I was on discord with a friend and we also met someone when running around. Not a proper youtube video material I’d say haha.


The raw cuts are always the best lol can’t hide the bloopers then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It’s not even director’s cut.
More like camera man cut haha - or NO CUT AT ALL; I sense a market for pure raw material; can see selling a lot of that for die hard fans. :rofl:


07.09.2018 the beacon still here


My first 2 beacons on Lasaina both gone. The Boori main base still going and it was placed sometime before the 22nd of August.
I think my Lutrion red roof house was placed a day or two before that though.

They are my 2 contesters for my oldest and continuously fuelled.

Not sure the game was released at that point. We were still in the summer… I thought it wasn’t till mid August before even backers were able to get on the release universe.

This screenshot is from Aug 17, but I was definitely there day 1 :grin:


My guess is it’s a different date format - he probably means September (the 9th) what in US format looks this way: 09.07.2018.

August 16 was the backers’ release judging by my screenshots and videos dating.

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This is an achievement. So if you have your first beacon still you can see when you placed it.

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Here’s a post of mine and some screenshots from pre-release:
August 2018


Think the achievements came after the game release. Don’t think we had them before, will check after work.

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mine says 23rd of July 2018, so that achievement was added before launch

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It’s accurate for me but I started a few day later. :man_shrugging:

July? @boundmore

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yes, indeed
so like 3 weeks before the pre-launch when I planted my first beacon in the new universe

i was playing around in the big pre-launch hunt with new worlds - had a beacon there and a small hut


yap, mine sais 28 Jul, 2018
To be fain, I don’t remember when I started, but definitely was way before release. Remember I worked a hole lot on that brick factory :))))