On ps4 cant log in got a error

I keep trying to long in and gives me a error saying my guy is still connected to the world

its currently a know issue pal,

devs appear to be working on it

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Do you live on Sorissi?

Thanks no I was working on my house then I got log out thanks for the info

I got another update just now trying to reset my ps4 to see if that will fix it

The world you were on is still down, however I’ve triggered a mode to unlock people who were stuck on that specific world, so you should now be able to warp to a different world from the sanctum.

thanks for the update, does this apply to both console & pc users?

Thought the right portal wasn’t working right now tho

Yes it should have unlocked all players on that world on either platform

ah brill thank you

can confirm i can now get to the sanctum

Sadly everything I need is on sorissi since that’s my main place

yer same here :smiley:

but i could just go mining or something :wink:

I’m in the sanctum but cant warp to any places even have the skills points for warp @blake. I have tried Delta, biitula and gyosha. Doesn’t give option to warp at all. I’m on PC

Did you try locations or beacons? Someone said it would only work to beacons for them

i have tried beacons, just says unable to open warp, im sure the devs will get it up and running in no time :blush:

I tried beacons and locations. On all 3 alts. Only thing that is happening is the constant…woom woom woom woom woom sound from the Sorissi portal to the left haha


thanks again for the help I still stuck in starting area will try again in a few

Thanks again for all the hard work u do u guys are a amazing team

Same I know they will get it fixed

Yeah same here on Sochaltin now.

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