Oort shard market trends discussion

You forgot the last one. Adding a new oort sink to make portals nearly unaffordable unless you do your daily quest (aka hunt).

?? I’m not sure what you are referring too, what new oort sink? What’s making portals unaffordable to maintain?

Compact oort blocks most likely.

Edit: I love them and will be redoing part of my mothership engines with them. :grin:


He means the decorative oort.

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But that’s not an oort sink by any stretch of the definition… it has no impact on an individual’s oort supply. If you told me oort was used to warp, gain valuable buffs or perform some vital functions I might agree, but decorative blocks from oort aren’t a sink on oort supply… if anything it stimulates the oort trade. Now people who dont keep or sell oort might gather it for its other uses.


It doesn’t matter how you and I see it. They are looking it as taking up some of the supply, which increases its cost.


I mean, it’s not worth arguing about, I’m certainly not going to change any minds, but some things completely baffle me.


You mean demand I think, not supply?

I can see it. I may end up buying a million coins worth to turn into deco blocks. So I’ll end up being that guy.


I think he means supply. It’s taking up the supply, so there’s less supply for the same demand, which means an increase in price.


Its an increase in demand, but the supply stays about the same. As a community there is only so much time we can put in to farm oort.


I get that, but it feels short sighted. Higher demand causes more people to add to the supply and the market levels itself out. The supply of oort is not limited, and the rate of gathering it is not saturated.
It may spike the demand for a week or so, but the market will adapt and stabilize.

But I digress. If anyone wants to continue conversation about the oort market, I’ll join you in a new topic! :joy:


Supply is only limited by player’s time and the meteors/roadrunners they encounter. New decorative blocks doesn’t mean fewer meteors will spawn. It means the demand will increase, which in turn means more competition among request baskets and higher prices among what’s being sold, which means more will be sold. As @Havok40k said, things will balance out quickly enough.

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I was saying that he could have been thinking that more people could start now hoarding their oort instead of selling it, thereby making the supply in the market lower.

I’m not saying I agree with it, I’m just saying I think that’s what the one guy way up there was talking about lol.

We did kind of derail this thread by discussing the semantics of economy though.


Personally, I agree it will all work out and stabilize. However, I do not maintain a portal or sell anything. I was just pointing out the mentality of those freaking out over it.

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Thx for the move @Havok40k.

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Carry on, we have a new thread for the topic :smile:

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The thing is, I think all of us who were the ones derailing the topic agreed with each other haha.

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There’s nothing to argue about. It might not fit your definition of a sink but it’s taking it out of the market. By taking it out of the market, it decreases over all supply. I can certainly see where OP is coming from.

Edit cause I didn’t read past this but evidently there’s a new topic. Maybe I’m in it already. I’m so confused

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Pssst, You’re in it :wink:

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