Oortbusters Vote/Time

The Time Has Come. We Have Been Hunting On The Same Time Frame For Many Years at 10:00AM (EST). Here Is a Vote To See If We Should Change The Hunt Time For a Later in the day

  • Keep The Same 10:00AM
  • In The Evening 2:00PM
  • Later In The Day 4:00PM
0 voters

None of those times meet my needs. But it’s very cool that you set up the time you can do and let folks vote on it. :heartpulse:


I picked 4 because that is 3 for me but even it is a bit early. 6 EST or so is me best availabilty. Maybe you could do a couple days early like you have been and maybe a couple days later in the day.


Id agree here. Even though I make most of the 10:00am hunts, later in the evening is best. I work pretty much 9:00a-5:00p, but since I’m remote I can make them, just have to take quite a few breaks.

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I’m just thankful there are still people around running group hunts and using the hunting bot. It is hard to make earlier times for me in CST so I was selfish and put later on… but ultimately I just want people to keep doing this and I’ll try to make what I can when I can.

Thank you Hunt Leaders for sticking with the game!


Me and woofy picked 2pm as that will be 7pm in uk for us and that will be a better time for us as we can chill and enjoy the hunt with everyone :grinning:

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The Vote Has Ended I Appreciate Everyone That Has Voted Looks Like 2:00PM-(EST) Is The Winner. There Be Some Days At 10:00Am And Now At 2:00Pm.

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The 10am time was the only one that suited me. It’s really getting harder and harder to maintain portals. I think I’m on the verge of calling it quits, but thanks for hosting those hunts for so long.


Many people scale back and adjust stuff so they don’t have so many to manage.

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I just built on Circa … and I fuel one critical portal to Dragon Hub that’s a 2x1 and that costs me one SS of oort for 5 weeks and 2 days. To be perfectly fair, if I wasn’t building a shop I’d use warps versus portals if it came down to it.

These hunts help, but as they say,

2pm hunts should be ok for me also, but not as ideal. I’ll make them when I can.

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I own a dozen planets with portals to resources. There’s not really much I can do to do it smarter. It is what it is.


Understandable. I currently have 4 sovereigns myself, but not portal to them currently.

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He is still going to have some 10 am hunts he is just going to have some at both times. For me neither time works unless I am off work.