
I’ve decided to take on a community media role by working on short podcasts with an animated twist! I learned a lot for this first episode, and unfortunately one of those things I learned was a time limit, so sadly these won’t be as long as most podcast discussions, HOWEVER I am just as thrilled as ever to get into these projects, so expect more!

Episode 2: Click to listen.

Episode 4??? Yeah because of the half episode, I’m skipping ahead!


Awesome! Would love to be a part of it if you’ll have me! :smile:

Hey man :smiley:
I would really like to be in the Podcast ^-^ Talking about the Oortris and my next Vid’s, maybe Guilds whatever I dunno. I like that Video tho ^^

Oh uhm btw. can you show the whose site and add your little figure in the Picture instead of having the site half shown? I dont know how you make these drawings thats why I asking ^^

I love this ! And the animated figure is really great xD
Can’'t wait for the next podcast.

Perhaps you could have “guests”? Like if you want to go in depth on a forum post have the person who posted it as a “guest”?

@Squidgy Of course! Just send me a message and I’ll send you my skype info. Once you add me I’ll ring whoever is available up for each show. I might go with a kind of list and have a max of two-three people per cast so things don’t get too crazy. This goes for all of you, send me them messages!

@Opulus I don’t know how long talking segments will be, but I may go along with @zeathoros 's idea and have guests appear for the topics we discuss that night. Yes, I can mess with the images. I made this video almost entirely in Flash and this first episode was much more of an experiment than a final product of what the show will be.

I’ll be preparing the script/bullet list for the next episode in about a week, so be sure to get me your skype info if you want to be a part of the show! Still trying to figure out the schedule in it’s entirety to accommodate work and so forth, so my main focus will be on efficiency for these next episodes. I wonder if I can convince some Devs to even come on in their free time… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ALSO! Make sure to explain to me what you want yourselves to look like when I animate you in!

Whoa!! How had I not seen this yet!? Thanks for the mentions Capt! :smile: Guess I’ll just keep coming up with stuff then!

Episode 2 i want it XD

Great job! If I can help you with your project in any way, don’t hesitate to tell me :slight_smile:


This is cool, keep it up!

1 Like

OMG this is adorable!!!
:smile: :smile: :blush:

Adding Episode 2!

GJ mate, keep it up, always nice to have more people talking about the game :smiley:

Episode 4 is out!


I wouldn’t mind hopping on sometime. If you don’t mind.

Pm me your skype ill add ya to the group we can talk there

I’d be interested in popping in sometime, if ya like.