Yeah pin blaster is super easy to get in to. And fun.
I’ve also made my dodge bomb arena more friendly. (No death by lava) underneath there is an ice funnel to a portal. So with floating pies. No one should die.
I was able to play against Georgio Pin Blaster earlier. It’s really fun and fun. Or the other games tooI was able to play against Georgio Pin Blaster earlier. It’s really fun and fun. Or the other games too:+1:
Well if we can get 16 people we can set up a tournament. It seemed like most people were interested in your game so we could just do that game. It doesn’t have to be all in one day either.
That sounds good. What else we or you could do is make a request in the discord on the servers if anyone is interested in joining in. Because I think a lot of people don’t look in the forum