Opened game, can't connect

I bought early access and opened the game. There’s the page where it says “Oort Online,” with the box that says “click to connect” and underneath it the box that says "early access. I click the “click to connect” box, but nothing happens, help.

Can you share a gist of the game log?

The log can be found here:

  • Mac OS X at /tmp/tblz_log.txt
  • Windows at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Turbulenz\Oort Online\oortonline_log.txt

here’s a gist of the log from mine, same issue.
https://gist . github . com/anonymous/5c8fe3fea261284d6f00
Had to space it out because it wouldn’t let me post it.

The log is reporting that the game can’t talk to Steam. Can you make sure that you’re running the game from within Steam. Also make sure you’re running the latest version of Steam. Please confirm the Steam version you’re currently running.

I’m currently running the latest version of steam and its being opened through steam, still nothing.
Edit: I switched to directx 11 beta option and it works fine now.

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im having the exact same problem, screen with click to log in and the early acces thing, and it just stucks there. Here’s a gist of the log oort log · GitHub

Steam is up to date and i already paid for oort

Its failing to compile the shaders.

Try the DirectX 11 version. Right click on the game in steam and choose Properties->Beta, the select the DX11 version.

It worked perfectly, thanks!

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I was having issues logging in as well and this fixed it for me! Also fixed lighting issues I’ve been having since first downloading Early Access! Thank you SO much!