Particle effects ignoring structures?

I’ve noticed certain particle effects floating through my house. Rain and snow is occluded by walls and a roof, but it seems that they’re accompanied by an effect that’s just overlaid onto your screen and ignores the fact that you’re in a building or not. This applies to the dust/pollen/fog effects in each biome as well. If it’s too expensive on performance for these effects to be kept out of a house, I’d at least like the option to turn them off. I played with the graphics settings a bit and couldn’t find one that did it. It’s a small deal, but it is a minor immersion breaker when I’m in my basement and see snow flakes drifting by.


Currently those ambient particles are affected by world lighting, which filters in through glass and holes in structures. It was intended to help break some jarring cut off effects with the effects with a rain render (where particles collide into blocks) but it appears to be causing more problems than fixing.


it only makes sense that if an item (I guess particle in this case) falls from the sky it should be stopped by a block that’s in the way… some of the atmospheric stuff I can get past, but a lot of the particle effects just don’t seem right when I’m in my house. especially if it is “air sealed” (mine isn’t actually air sealed yet)
It’s also pretty weird when I hear ambient cave sounds as soon as I walk into my house :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sure the criteria for that is still being tweaked tho :wink:


Thanks for the response, good to hear it’s on the radar.