Particle emitter

you know how we use beacon controls and camp fires under other blocks to make them smoke, right ? how about a item specifically designed for this purpose with a bunch of different off set animations ?
smoke, sparks, flame, flying insects, bubbles, dripping water, glowy magic stuff… maybe paintable
and placeable in any direction…
I don’t know what are the limitations to such thing, but the game seems to handle tons of smoking beacons in one place without any major issues.


I thought a fog block would be awesome. I’ve suggested it before. But sparks and other particles would be great too. :+1::+1:


Yes yes yes :slight_smile:


This needs something Epic high d5db3cd67adbed7053947c89cf1e9e04d21015a0_1_690x388

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I absolutely love this idea! I second it :).

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I want flies! Would make the junkyard I’m working on look awesome.

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