Just coding it in general. But hey, I’ve only taken a few courses in college whereas these guys are, quite literally, pros.
Edit: Basically the idea of hitting the logout button, which traditionally stands for “Oh hey this person is done playing, time to save their data to the server and take them offline” and making it into something like “Oh, let’s save and take this person offline but somehow instantaneously generate a model of the person or leave an echo or some such of it with a bunch of pre-configured options, give it a basic AI, have it take up some space on the server, and somehow have it generate it’s own data that we then upload to the actual player the next time they log in.” With my basic knowledge, this seems like a difficult feat.
However, as per Ben’s post from the design team thread, shown below…
if anyone had any ideas about coding shortcuts, that would be pretty helpful to the devs, I’m sure!