I think the title says it all. Is there a plan of implementing maybe a taming feature?
That’s something that’s been discussed in numerous older threads, but I still don’t think we have a definitive yes/no answer to that question from the developers, with the exception of crafted airships. I think the majority of the community is strongly in favor of ground mounts, and strongly opposed to flying mounts. I think a taming feature is planned, but we don’t know if that will lead to ridden mounts or just pets and livestock.
There is so many threads about this that I am just going to post the link for the search:
i think mounts are confirmed
@KuroKuma isnt it you that knows about this?
I was just searching for a confirmation but I couldn’t find anything. But we will at least have some means to catch and transport creatures. Or the space zoo they advertise with would be preeeetty annyoing to make^^
We want to do something cool with creatures for 1.0. It would be disappointing if all you could do was shoot at them. Pets and mounts might be a bit further off into the future, but I’m a big fan of those kinds of things.
Also my pet died today
I wanted to like that post but then I read the last sentence. I’m sorry for you.
I feel sorry for your loss. I didn’t have an own pet for such a long time, because it kills me when they die.
My idea would be to be able to craft shock arrows - ammunition for the slingbow. Electric or lightning(!) charges.
–> shoot an arrow near a flock of creatures and the projectile becomes an activated. Maybe opens its tip or load, starts buzzing, and KABOOCHA a lightning strikes from above at this very position.
One could say it is only apt for using when there is rain and lighnting in general. I think it would be an interesting aspect if
this concept would depend on weather and environment circumstances. And NOT being able to summon a lightning like a spell in a hotbar every few seconds.
Maybe having 2 variations. One that only works while a thunderstorm but isn’t attached to the player with a rope or something like that and another one that has to take the electricity from the player so it needs a connection.
Although attracting a lightning seems a bit OP^^ And would most certainly kill smaller creatures. Which in turn might make it balanced again^^
I’m not sure - I think it would be extremely fun (as a gameplay element). Mabye…senseless.
The latest trailer offered insight in such a beautiful world, which makes me think my ideas often are a bit out of place
But being able to craft or build a lightning collector would be plain awesome. For collecting electricity.
There is a tabletop game in which a fraction has lightning and electricity generators which produce lightning strikes for attacks (I suppose…I’m still not too familiar with the lore, although I own some books and a few figures)
It would be interesting to turn this around - not generating lightning, but rather collecting lightning and produce electricity.
It wouldn’t be senseless if you could stun and/or damage creatures so it would be easier to capture/tame/defeat them.
I too, am still wondering how exactly they want to implement the more machine oriented stuff^^
So sorry, brother. That’s sad.
Oh no @ben I am so sorry to hear about your pet! I have 3 cats at home and they are my family ((((HUGS)))) It hurts so much when one of our beloved animals pass.