Planned forum maintenance: Tuesday 25th July 10:30am (BST) - Completed

Forum will be going down soon!

This forum will be unavailable while we update it - should take less than an hour.


Noooo! My forum addiction can’t be interrupted!


Guys, be careful not to sacrifice souls during this time to @Havok40k as he won’t be able to collect them and they’ll be doomed otherwise to an eternity of torment.


New features? Bug fixes? What is this update for (will we have changelog)?

I think this maintenance only pertains to the forum engine and not the boundless game. I might be wrong though.

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It’s just the forum software. We’re also swapping machine instance. So nothing too exiting from a Boundless perspective.


That’s right! Think of the CHILDREN!!

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This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

This topic is no longer a banner. It will no longer appear at the top of every page.

This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

Forum software update is now complete, let me know if there are any problems.