Player crafted books

Not old just experienced :wink:


New fresh ideas come frome the young and experience and technique frome the “oldies”. This is the perfect place for both to meet.


ah a fellow ex UO-er! I did 9 years on UO back in the 90’s and loved the game until they ruined it with the pay $ for skills and ruined the value of working to get your skill gains. That is what drew me to this game, how in ways it reminded me of the way UO was in the good days for the skills and economy potential and also for how it reminds me of Minecraft for the building. Covers both my favorite aspects of games, trade and building.
Oh and before anyone responds geez how old are you - Yes I am older than dirt lol at 63


Sorry for the log post! Was kind of rambling but I like this idea a lot hahaha

Wow that’s crazy! Just last night I was thinking about how cool it would be to buy and collect player written books to fill up a library with. It could include the name of the author and the date it was published. i actually think it would be cool for it to show how many issues of that specific book were published. Then players could choose to mass produce the same book, such as a begginers guide, to sell cheap in guild halls and such to welcome new players, or publish a small number of books that contain useful end game info, like a full collection of locations for all resources in game, and sell it for a higher price. It may be that one player is the first to discover something hidden and super rare in game, that player publishes a single book with that info and auctions it off to the highest bidder. Then if you were the person to buy that info, you could keep the only published version in a private collection. Then as updates happen, and some of these rare books are outdated, they could potentially be of higher value to someone such as myself who would want to actively find and collect these rare outdated books. You could use these to create a sort of History of boundless through books that players themselves wrote in chronological order since it would display publish dates. Then players could come and learn about how things have changed since 1.0. It could also act as an excellent way to collect and record any and all lore we find as a community, and an great way for players to find a collection of that lore, based on what we have found and deciphered together.

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To this day UO may still be my favorite game ever. I had so much fun with it. The location markers in this game totally remind me of the UO marker book system.

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Well since you set up by me we should turn Elopor into a retirement community for old gamers.


assisted living at it’s finest


So many people so much older than me. I’m barely 19. You all are so much older than I am. I am shook

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I’m already retired, albeit a little younger than planned, I’ll be there lol

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Does community service pays ok in coins?

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The pay in coin is cr@p but the pay in karma is great.