Player-to-be here, looking for recent Information

Good evening, dear community!

I am locking to buy Boundless - and would be interested how modding and especially private (self-hosted) servers are progressing. I really like the look of the game, but I usually prefer to play games in a somewhat private setting with friends, rather than diving into the whole MMO-thing.

I have conducted a search on the internet, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of recent information on the topic, could you possibly give me a summary/update on the state of things?

My info so far:
Private/Self-Hosted Worlds

  • Some mentions dating ~2018 for plans to allow self-hosting shortly after release.
  • No further comments from the devs found.


  • Possible, yet constricted by server-side checks to mostly texture/HUD-Modding
  • No Modding for server-side content apart from something calles “WorldBuilder”, which I suspect to be a Biome-Editor to contribute Biomes?

With best regards!


Welcome , nearly, to the game. And better let
answer this important Questions! (he might be in UK time so be Patient)

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Based on the last information I was able to gather recently:

Private servers is still on the roadmap. They are missing parts of the management layer to purchase/stop/start/etc for them to work. No ETA on when that would happen.

Self Hosting of servers would be much farther off with no commitment yet. It requires a decent amount of changes to their infrastructure to allow running everything together. I do know they have been doing some work on adjusting some of those things to make things a bit more linked to a single “install” type thing.

I have no info on modding.

Progressing both domains are fully in the pipeline.

Expect some new in this area after the coming release.


Definitely worth picking up the deluxe version. The extra 500 cubits is almost your 1st alt unlocked. Boundless right now is a lot like a single player game in some regards. Unless you settle right near a city or town, you can go quite a while without seeing anyone. The purple dots on the compass will lead you to portals =)


I’d argue the deluxe version isn’t fully necessary, as (at least on PC) you can always upgrade to it later down the line, for the passive 10% plot bonus it adds on the side.
I believe it adds something else than cubits and plot bonus, but I can’t quite remember.

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I agree… boundless deluxe!

Deluxe also allows you to make Gold Fists.


Also iirc gives you a month of gc

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Any further word on these?

Been 2 releases since you made this post…

It is quite important on how I approach Boundless, and I find my motivation decreasing the longer it goes without updated information (and I really do want to stay motivated to play!)


My impression was this announcement was due after the stability release… so I feel like the announcement is imminent… Patience Young Padawan! :wink: