Please Help

I logged in last night and was approached by some of our neighbors from Ronfaure, a nearby settlement. They had noticed that the capital marker shifted in Black Light and came to see what had happened. They noticed that a road connecting Black Light and Berlyn Badlands had went wild. The road was around 77 plots long originally, but then got extended to around 97 plots. All of the plots, except for five, went unfueled yesterday. The only 5 plots remaining are the plots that have the beacon in it and 4 connecting(which has nearly 12 weeks until it expires, and is located in Black Light). And I am positive that there was never a second beacon placed in the building process of that road/tunnel. I was there to witness those original plots get placed down by zina, and all were extending from that single beacon in town. Somehow the entire length of the road separated from the 5 plots with the beacon.
Also, I just found spoygg’s post on plot limitations (and watched his video) and read michaelb’s comment:

So I’m assuming these plots reached the max distance allowed. Just wondering if this is so, considering that michaelb posted this comment in July of 2017. If there is still a max we can do what spoygg did and use multiple beacons.

And here is a pic of the beacon info. It had around 77 plots like I had mentioned.

This one is mazingerzeto’s, who helped by claiming the wild plots for us.
@Zina @james