Please increase Chunk Block Limit

I’m really hoping that will have a positive impact on my building plans as well since a large chunk of the meshes I have are storage. Being able to limit that significantly without losing actual storage space should hopefully be a big change that may be enough to allow me to do what I wanted to do from the beginning.

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Yep. I have a original PS4 and my rendering is trash now. That with trolling of my town and someone who thinks they can dictate where I can build has made me put the game away. No response to this has made me lost hope for the future of this game for now. :slight_smile:

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Having those plants in the same area is probably what’s hurting you. Since those if I recall correctly use the mesh too.

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Pretty sure I added all of the plants after I ran into the limit, so I don’t think those count, but it is possible I could be mistaken. Either way hopefully the new storage options will help enough to make this a moot point.

Some of the plants do count. I just don’t know which ones do. I know wheat doesn’t count and the other 2d looking like ones. However the 3D looking ones do which I believe is the one you are using. Someone with a farm would be able to tell you. I never set one up. @Stretchious or @Ratchel I believe can verify which ones do and don’t.

There was some kind of a bug with the mesh limit and meshed plants I think.

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Yup, seems like there was/is a bug

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Ahh, here’s the thing tho! Combustion plants DO count for the mesh limit but there WAS a bug in the game that didn’t check if you hit the limit when planting them. The bug has been resolved and will be in the next release…

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Whoops, need more caffeine AND read the whole thread before replying!

What is the amount you want it raised to? Do we add another 64, 128, or double or what? I think we could maybe get an improvement in this but we must give an amount we want so they can consider it.

Could we have current mesh limit for above the water line, and have +100% more mesh for below the water line? Since most towns will be built at or above water line. Also, mesh below water line could just not load until you go either below water line or enter that chunk…

Mesh limits are based on the chunk (so 2x2 plots) from top of world to bottom of world. So I would expect you will not get any change like that because this is a server pass layer where they count the mesh and deny anything more than 512.

I don’t know if the mesh is a 1 mesh at a time change or 8 or 16 or whatever. I would expect we might be able to get a tweak and another 32 or 64 but it will be a hard sell. The reason is the higher the mesh the more lag it causes, etc. I am unsure how far away you need to be before it won’t matter. But in big cities if we turned it up some then that could cause a decent performance issue if all people used the additional number.

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Yeah, I know the way mesh currently works, I’m wondering if there is a more creative way to address this limit instead of just increasing the numbers. It is understandable that you want everything to load correctly when you are looking at it, but why load a ton of stuff you aren’t looking at? Especially if it’s going to cost you performance.

Another solution could be instanced bases, but that won’t happen. Where only you load your base, and other players don’t without visiting it.

Yes I wish we had this or more instanced areas and the rest of the universe be like No Man’s Sky …

Sorry I was just kind of walking it through my head as a I typed. I figured you knew the specifics.

From my understanding since it is a single layer pass they probably won’t break it out. I’ve seen this with a variety of systems. It seems to be the best way and doesn’t increase the load.

I think the loading is for all objects in a certain range. I don’t know if they can optimize that more on not. I guess if they could (like they did for Portals) then that might be an option.

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It may not be possible to code any other way, but in my non-computer programmer mind I view the world in terms of surface world (above the water) and sub-surface world (below the water line).

Maybe they could just turn off mesh limits on Test and let people go ham for a bit, see what we can handle? Unfortunately Ps4 can’t be tested though, so on our end we’d just have to hope for the best.

Last thing we want is a game that blue-screens.

Or last - perhaps a quantum solution for mesh? Where you don’t increase the limit, just borrow from other adjacent chunks if you own them? Un-plotting would cause problems.

I would love to see double what it is now, but not sure if that’s realistic. Realistically another 128-256 would probably be enough for people to make compact bases without feeling like they have to give up major components. Along with other optimizations like the changes to storage, that could have a significant impact on building possibilities.

I’m guessing no one remembers that spot on I believe Alder where there was a ton of extractors and everyone got hit with major lag going thru there. PC and PS4 alike. @tarkiz would remember the complaints since she owned them :joy:

Also I don’t even think that was at mesh limit yet. But maybe it was.

My workshop is causing slowdowns and blockiness on PS4, on PC it lowers my frame rate significantly as well and I’m soooo not close to the mesh limit in most chunks. Perhaps a few that I’ve hit 400-450, but most are well below that. It’s just that they are all so freakishly close together that it’s causing all this…

The engine reads chunks from the server and cache so it won’t be easy to change, but a limit on a bigger area might perhaps be better, say 2048 meshes in 4x4 plots, then one could be more compact while the outside then is devoid of any meshes. But it’s also probable that upon entering the chunk with the highest mesh count in such a setup might cause more slowdown than when the same amount of meshes would be divided over 4 neighbouring chunks…

Yeah part of the problem is when you stumble across a cluster of mesh maxed adjacent chunks. There’s no reason why a 2x2 chunk tower base with no meshes in the surrounding chunks can’t have a higher mesh limit other than the coding it would require to become possible.