Please increase Chunk Block Limit

the limit is 100. but you can run more than one spark line from a group of spark generators. I have almost 400 spark lines out of one group of spark generators using four different independent lines.


Oh, I should have thought of trying that. Just goes to show how out of practice I am lol.

I was adding a Pigment Processor yesterday and wanted to add it to the line I had previously linked 4 machines to. I ran short by 2 spark links before I hit the limit. So, I added 3 more spark generators and moved a wall slightly to fit them in, just to power the Pigment Processor. I never thought to run a second line from the original generators. Doh! lol.

Thanks, Kal-El. Iā€™ll fix that when I log in later and put that wall back where it was. :slight_smile:

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Thatā€™s not entirely true. Take destiny 2 for example. It stopped supporting ps3 even tho it launched on there too. Tho they can play up to the stuff that released on it. If Iā€™m not mistaken thereā€™s a few other games like that as well.

But it was done because the ps3 was holding the game back and they couldnā€™t do certain things if they were to keep the ps3 with new content.

Iā€™ll have to check but gta V might be another example. Iā€™m not sure if all the new stuff that releases is on ps3/Xbox as well since they did rerelease on the new gen of systems.

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If we cater to those people who run on toasters then the game will always have problems. Yes, I get that as a developer you want the largest market audience possible but isnā€™t there another way? Canā€™t you adjust how the PS4 or lower powered machines see everything to increase performance instead of putting lots of hard physical limits into the game? Orā€¦ novel idea. If we know there are lots of these limits, why arenā€™t we restricting the items created to single items instead of multi-items like coils. So if you want to maximize all of your machines in as small a space as possible it is still doable without running into the max mesh limit.

I get that the limit is there for performance. I also get that someone clearly likes the idea of a machine room filled with lots of things. Both of those are fine, just not together. They are in direct opposition to each other. How about we create options, so there are single block items like a single coil that will provide the same benefit as the 24 coils. That way you can choose which way to go. If you wanted to build a big machine room and were willing to plan out massive space for it, then you could. If you wanted to go super compact and get everything in as tight as possible, then youā€™d have that option to.

I already do that and still canā€™t complete one of my machines because Iā€™ve already maxed out all of my spark links connecting up all of my machines.

At this point I have really just stopped crafting for the most part just because all of this frustrates me so much that I canā€™t build what I want to, I now have to space everything out and sprawl over the face of the planet to make things work (which also means multiple spark generators instead of a single one because of the spark link limit).

Iā€™m now getting into farming, but I canā€™t stack farms in my base either, once again, I need to sprawl the farms out across the entire map. Its just frustrating to have to build in ways that are completely counter to what you actually want to do because of some artificial size limits put into place because some bonehead is trying to run the game on a toaster and for some reason we are catering to them.

I get that not everyone has a beastly machine that can run everything maxed. And I have no problem giving them options to play. My question isā€¦ why donā€™t I get those same options to improve my game performance, visuals etcā€¦ why is it that every game caters to the players on toasters at the expense and cost of gameplay mechanics for everyone not on a toaster? Why arenā€™t we simply limiting what the toaster players can render to resolve their issue instead of limiting what everyone else can do? Why arenā€™t we doing things like sayingā€¦ hey if youā€™re on minimum settings for the game maybe we just shouldnā€™t render spark links for you for example, or why arenā€™t we making storage blocks use simpler graphics that donā€™t display all of the items inside when on minimum graphics. Or why donā€™t we significantly reduce the render rangeā€¦ etcā€¦ Yes the current system improves performance for players on toasters, but again this comes at a cost to all other players.


They will ultimately just have to stop supporting toasters at some point, but what can the game handle server-side?

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Wow, how many machine you have that you canā€™t make it all connect to one spark generator set?

I have a big workshop, many, many machines, all hooked up to the same spark gens in the middle of it all. Took some work and itā€™s a freaking mess below the workshop floor with all the spark lines but it worksā€¦

The main machines (2 fully powered of each).

And then on the backside of the two main machines I have 3 partially powered machinesā€¦

It seemed like a reasonable idea at the time, but then I ran into spark link limits, and mesh block limits, etcā€¦

On the surface it looks like thisā€¦

The two fully powered main machines are the two holes in the ground surrounded by the blue gleam here, and against the back wall are the 3 partially powered machines that are used for smaller lower complexity items.

In particular this type of setup is very useful for the compactor, and extractor where you get lots of smaller items that donā€™t require full power, but the two fully powered machines are also super useful in case I have days worth of hard coal compacting for example but still need access to a full powered machine for something else.

So I have two fully powered crafting stations for each machine, surrounded by storage blocks for easy storage and access to what I need, and in the back I have 3 partially powered machines for smaller components. Its a very good system, but all of these block limits are a huge obstacle for this type of setup because of how compact everything is.

I run all these on the same spark gen setā€¦

And since then Iā€™ve extended my workshop and added quite a few more, still all on the same spark gen setā€¦


I also run 6 of each machine and doubt I am using much over 50 links
Just need to set it up where it isnt all spread out


  • You arenā€™t running on multiple levels, you have a single level that spans far and wide.
  • Your storage is no where near your actual machines (at least not most of them). You have to walk 2 full plots at least in some cases it looks like just to get to storage.

So you arenā€™t running into the mesh block limit. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s because you built that place ā€œafterā€ you had already learned of the block limit which isnā€™t really mentioned anywhere except the debug screen that Iā€™ve seen. So yes, if I had to rebuild, which I am currently working on. It would end up being much more similar to what you have there. And that is absolutely NOT what I want. I wanted something small and compact that didnā€™t just span half a mile. I wanted storage next to my machines so while Iā€™m working all I have to do is turn around to get to storage instead of walking multiple plots to get to storage every time I need to grab something.

Now try to put storage in between every one of your machines and see how that works out for you :). You knowā€¦ like a normal person does when building before they become aware of all these artificial limitations.

You get a popup on the screen right side that lists mesh amount and limit when placing the mesh items.

I can assure you that wonā€™t be a problem at all. And this was not at all about the mesh limit, I replied to you about the spark link limit of 100 and you couldnā€™t do it. Was that because of the spark link limit or the mesh limit? Or perhaps a little of both?

And do you use multiple levels? To be honest in your picture I donā€™t see much that could be causing you to hit the mesh or spark limit unless I donā€™t have the complete picture of course.

When I started building this I made huge storage area below it in a basement with crafting tables shop stands, etc. then wanted to add machines and while adding the 13th coil of the first machine I couldnā€™t due to the mesh limit. I moved the storage so it wasnā€™t directly below the workshop.

I donā€™t recall ever seeing that, I suppose its possible I simply missed it, or maybe it was added after I built my base, not sure.

I ran into both problems. At first I ran into a spark link limit issue, I did finally get that worked out, but then I ran into the mesh limit issue and had to decided between fully powering one of my secondary main machines (aka coils) or getting power to 3 partially powered machines (spark links), because I didnā€™t have enough free mesh to do both.

Yes, the picture with all the shelving units sits directly on top of the machines (ie exactly how you would expect in order for the storage to be near the actual machines).

External View(front side):

Main Floor(front side):

Bottom Floor(font side):

Sub Basement(from the back side):

everything is all tightly packed in together to make crafting efficient. Iā€™m not running all over the place grabbing materials from shelves off in the boondocks, or having to walk a mile to transfer something from the compactor to the refinery, etcā€¦

Itā€™s why I have 4 different areas, a food/brews section with mixers, extractors and refineries all for food/brews. All food/brew related mats are close by in that same area.

The other areas I have are brick/marble/deco blocks, generic crafting area and forging area with lots of forges, many extractors for the forging mats and a bunch of workbenches to make the toolsā€¦

I do tend to keep running to a minimum with this usually. Biggest issue is that some mats are needed in different areas but I can deal with that.

Honestly tho, with the next update we can actually make it more condensed, well I hope I can since we donā€™t need to be able to be near the coils all that often since we can repair machine+coils in one fell swoop from above.

Am also planning on optimising machine and storage placement further and with the new storage solutions we can pack more items in a smaller spaceā€¦

Iā€™m really hoping that will have a positive impact on my building plans as well since a large chunk of the meshes I have are storage. Being able to limit that significantly without losing actual storage space should hopefully be a big change that may be enough to allow me to do what I wanted to do from the beginning.

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Yep. I have a original PS4 and my rendering is trash now. That with trolling of my town and someone who thinks they can dictate where I can build has made me put the game away. No response to this has made me lost hope for the future of this game for now. :slight_smile:

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Having those plants in the same area is probably whatā€™s hurting you. Since those if I recall correctly use the mesh too.

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Pretty sure I added all of the plants after I ran into the limit, so I donā€™t think those count, but it is possible I could be mistaken. Either way hopefully the new storage options will help enough to make this a moot point.

Some of the plants do count. I just donā€™t know which ones do. I know wheat doesnā€™t count and the other 2d looking like ones. However the 3D looking ones do which I believe is the one you are using. Someone with a farm would be able to tell you. I never set one up. @Stretchious or @Ratchel I believe can verify which ones do and donā€™t.