Please update Boundless Maps?

Just a polite request… I know Storis II is quite outdated. and Probably DK’s Mall in Legendville and many others.


Boundless maps is run by a player not the devs


It’s a great site :slight_smile:
My mall is DEFINITELY out of date lol.

What’s the one that has high res maps? Not boundless-maps


I did not know that. Thank you, I guess this post is aimed at that person then.

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The issue is that the player needs the officially released maps to be able to update the site. If I’m not wrong, only James or other devs have those. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Dzassak map is so old, you can’t see my six months old settlement there. :joy:

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I think September was last update by @james

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Yep, I just found my place on Dzassak. Didn’t know they were posted in sep, since the last ones I saw were from spring or early summer. :stuck_out_tongue:

@Simoyd runs the Boundless-maps site. But he has to get each map directly from the devs, they can’t be generated by players.

EDIT: I should specify HI-RES maps, the ones everyone wants, has to come from the devs.

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@Simoyd dont you get them from sanctum? can you share that app so others could do that to?

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There are lower res maps that can be extracted from the game by us. The devs have to extract higher res ones.

But this only gets the lower resolution maps (LOD 2 iirc), not the LOD0 maps that james provides.