POLL: Is boundless heading in the right direction?

You think this is scam?

I think it is reasonable for one to raise the question of whether what they did is unethical practice and possibly a scam

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I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s a scam. But it doesn’t look good. With the information about bombs missing from the patch notes to begin with, it just seems a little fishy. That’s a large change to forget. People were led to believe that bomb mining was going to get a buff, with the additional durability. They bought bombs, maybe specced into bombs to finally give it a shot now that they will last longer, people had their gems and coils listed in their shops, not knowing the changes that were coming because someone forgot to add it into the patch notes. People weren’t given a fair chance here to make the right decisions. And now their play style is dead. And some have to spend real money to fix the characters they put so much time into. And it’s definitely not right, that’s for sure.


there are ton of ways to make coin
lack of coin is no excuse
and that’s the reason beyond these changes
encourage player driven economy
you work X hours, sell your stuff, earn coin
buy stuff you want

You are still spending more travel time per item, and since everything in the game is easily farmable, all that was added here is a timesink.


It wasn’t missing from the patch notes.
Apparently they edited the post, as originally the change to block destruction was below the increased durability (you can click the edit history if you’re curious and go back to the very first version, and it was already there).

It was updated with the bomb destruction information 5 hrs prior to the update by stretchious.


Patching in changes is a scam now? The level of hyperbole makes it really hard to take some of you seriously.


So it was missing for hours. Both times I read the post it didn’t state the damage change. I wasted a bunch of forge mats making max aoe bombs for myself and my guildies to play with. Now they can sit there on my storage shelves.

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I’ll just let you go double check that. :joy:

The huge change like that need to announce earlier.
If they remove hammer after 5 hours, and tell you that you need to use axe to mine in the future.
It make sense to you ?


No, that did not at all.

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The stream of logic is this: update significantly changed game play, this required people to make skill set change as the previous build was rendered useless, the easiest way to do this is to buy a skill change set. The definition of a scam (posted above) is using deception to benefit the company. I said it was reasonable for one to raise the question of this being a scam. It had minimal effect on me, but I think for new people it could feel that way.


First edit, not first version. So it was missing a couple hours. Still there before the patch hit.

Making this statement is too much of a stretch.

Edited to better conform to @Merln expectations. :slight_smile:

your quote there is entirely inaccurate. In fact somewhat laughable. Nobody said that it was “a scam because it was missing from the patch notes.” And making an edit like that 5-hrs before update after people had already seen and made plans off of the original, is unacceptable practice.

The reason for the scam comments is completely different. Review the discussion chat.

looks like you did not read what I said here let me help you

So was not making an excuse. . I clearly said they have to sell to buy.

You sell, you get footfall, the measly 100 coin per week for playing is not going to let anyone buy a power coil for over 30K so there are two ways to make coin.

That is an assumption on your part with no clear statement from the developers.

The economy is not mentioned

Steggs said on discord he had no idea why bombs were buffed, so I’m thinkin that conspiracy needs to go away.

He updated the patch notes 5 hours before.

What could they possibly have to gain by misleadin’ people about the bomb nerf?

I’ll concede that, edited the reply. :slight_smile:

I doubt they gonna wanna post patch notes in the future.

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it’s impiclit
recipe changes were aimed to requiere different profession materials
now builders have to either buy the materials or make alts

I made like 10k yesteday only selling cotton
and I bought 5 powercoils since release
again lack of coin is no excuse