POLL: Is boundless heading in the right direction?

  • I’m new, and overall agree with the changes
  • I’m vet, and overall agree with changes
  • I’m new and overall disagree with changes
  • I’m vet and disagree with changes

0 voters


Some changes were needed, some weren’t.

You should’a added a poll option for 50/50.


Let this be the official 50/50 poll choice.

  • 50/50
  • Also 50/50

0 voters


Bring back bomb mining.


They’ll add it back with a much more powerful resource when they add tier 7 worlds I think. Be patient. Bomb minin’ was way too powerful for how much it cost at such a low level.


If resource requirements are going to remain at their current levels or increase further, then I think we should unionize and demand higher wages.


You mean, we want footfall coin and we’re willing to pay gatherers more?! What is this! :yum:


No. In Glorious Democratic People’s Soviet Republic of Boundless, all gatherers will receive standard wages.


I’m a newb so I don’t wanna be too loud , but I think the transition from titanium bombs to hammering my resources is gonna be pretty harsh. My friends told me they mined for hours and hadn’t found any titanium. Good thing is though, I just started on a brand new pretty massive build, so i’ll be above ground mostly :stuck_out_tongue:

My stand on this is, I haven’t played the game enough to make any informed decisions on what may be the repercussions of the current patch. The direct ones are starting to take place. But just of the top of my head, bomb mining used to be the most viable while gathering and hammer mining not so much. Who is to say with the new changes to resources generation it won’t be ok? Now as for the added bulk into crafting recipes, only time will tell if the regen system solves the issue or is obsolete.

All I’m trying to say is, great that you’re being vocal about your concerns. But I think is also great that some people are talking their time to let this sink in, to them give feedback.

The most important part here is, the intent. I’m sure devs read the forums, that’s why some of the changes. I myself find some changes questionable, but I can’t know their effects, as I haven’t played much. Now, what may have been their intent with some of the changes. They have more access to data than us, so maybe it has a reason, we might not get it yet though.


Idk I’m kinda in the middle. I’m more curious as to what way the next big patch pushes the game.

Immediate anger is subsiding into annoyed patience. I dont want the game to be more grindy than gratifying, but i need time to adapt to the patch.

One thing though, bombs were ruining aoe hammers before patch, so i dont agree with the bomb whine. My only problem regarding the nerf to bombs is, that i really struggle to find titanium now.


Yeah… This poll was created way to fast.
Basically right now everyone who is pissed because bomb mining was removed is gonna be unhappy regardless of any other change - the only way they new how to mine was destroyed after all.
You know story about the one trick ponny? Nothing new, same happened when zerg rush was removed in starcraft :stuck_out_tongue:


Remember guys. If you quit the game, let us have your stuff :wink:


You want my blood sweat and tears, I don’t think so, I will check in a couple of weeks if nothing changed and it’s still a grinding fest then yes you can have it

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Never bothered with bomb mining, figured this was coming. Still voted no, because Everything Else.


I understand. But how many people will vote this way vs how many people will vote “no” just cause no bomb mining?

A bomb-mining nerf was needed, but not a removal.

I convinced 2 friends this weekend to buy the game and bomb-mining was one of my arguments, well I look silly now :disappointed:


I don’t know I can’t read minds :slight_smile: Just saying it’s not the only reason.


The old university (Alpha beta) looks like official release version.
Current patch looks like Alpha beta.
How come they test so many change after the release ?
(It should be done way earlier before new universe released, or bring bk the test server for long run testing)
Also please write down the complete version of change on the patch notes, and release patch notes 2 days before the patch.

For example: Recipe change this time, you have to note every recipe which are affected on the new patch.
(In this way, player can give you the feed back and do something else to prevent the lost due to the future change)

If you change a lot of skills in one patch (either buff or nerf) , you should assign free skill reset token for everyone.

Also, if you make serious mistake, you need to give some in game compensations to players too.
(The time we waste to help your company to find out those serious bugs)


I would have voted half/half agree/disagree if it was there.