POLL: Is boundless heading in the right direction?

I’m not happy with any of the changes. Every change so far has been rather negative for me except the surface resource degen. But in the devs defense with bugs and testing, they went ready nor wanting to release yet. Sony forced them to release earlier

LoL…seriously?! :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::joy::joy:

I can’t get over how it lights and darkens SO MUCH at the same time on the same surface. The torch is just plain annoying now. I’ve been forced to use gleam for mining now. Not that it helps me see the ‘blue’ atlas’s any better!

I’m actually surprised by the results. The changes significantly help the strong and weaken the new players. I’d have thought the results would have been reversed.

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Depending on how new someone is they may not understand the impact a change will have and maybe not vote.

On the other side, the players that are veterans have more time with the way things were done and might be more resistant to change, or might see a trend they do not like, or maybe better understand the impact of the changes having played and been through similar changes.

who knows, but it is interesting

What is the point of these polls when no one cares.

I think the point is pretty obvious. A poll provides a more objective look at the community thoughts, then just loud opinions. The statement “no one cares” is also obviously ignorant, or 81 people wouldn’t have voted. There are a lot of people who care about this game and where it is taken.

I am not ignorant and I DID vote as you can see . I was just talking about the recent changes that totally ignored the previous polls in the forum.

I could well post it in “what turns you off” topic. But here we go. I’m on the phone so no clicking around too much.

THE RANT :wink:

I don’t have a problem with the direction changes take us in. In general.

I was shocked though that such a big change like the one with bombs was made without any warning or discussion. In EA there was a lot of polls and discussions BEFORE introducing or balancing features (like when skills and objectives were introduced). Now they just dropped the bomb on us.

The change in bomb mining efficiency creates a huge difference in how the game is played, how prices look like and what players are able to do. Uneven ground for players depending on when you joined a game.

This full release was really rushed too much. Waiting for a lot of content is ok. But such big changes in game balance after full release is not good enough in my opinion.
We had the xp paradise for bomb mining and chiseling outside beacon. We had easily picked top resources like gems. Now its all gone and those who had a chance to use it are in advantage level-wise, also if it comes to machines and coils they could make and money they could make.

I realized sometime a big chance is unavoidable if certain feature is broken. But EA is better for making shifts like that. Not full release.

And if big changes are needed in full release, then at least communicate beforehand, pretty please.

Thumb up for hard work and balancing. In general.
Thumb down for lack of communication and decisions that seem quite arbitrary.


As a gatherer I could not be more happy with the recent changes
do you need 2300 ash/mud but you don’t want to grind?
you just buy it
I’m sure the unlimited coin supply from football will be enough to buy.

I see what you did there, and I approve.



If I do not have a plot near a portal, but instead built in a secluded spot, then I get no footfall, so the implication that everyone has limitless footfall coin, I think, really needs to be rethought. What it does is punish the person with the secluded multi-plot build and reward the person that has one plot next to a busy portal. So the person with the secluded build does not have the option to buy unless they also sell and has to gather at least something to sell if not the ingredients to make the item themselves.

edit: The person with the beacon near a portal, has income with no effort. All they have to do is fuel the beacon. Passive income versus someone having to mine or gather for something to sell. I would argue this is bad for the economy and create inflation.


That isn’t an excuse to increase the grind, and drive casual players, new player, or players with less time away. Only Dedicated players don’t care about how grindy the game will be.

The game just released earlier this month, so the flood of new players are going to be highest right now. And yet, they are making the game more complicated, more grindy, removing features, changing skills, and so on.

This isn’t open Beta, this isn’t Alpha, this is Release. This is the game being 100% completed. Game changing updates should be months away in expansion like patches/dlc that add changes to the core game, while building on it with new worlds.

But from what I have read, and how the Devs update the game, the game isn’t ‘Released’, they lied to people, and the game is still in open beta.

Honestly, I wonder if at this point they should be forced to remove the ‘Release’ title, and refund everyone that bought the game since it was ‘released’, instead of continuing on with this scam.

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Or you can be like that player with 1000 plots together, making 10k a day he claims.

Makes me wonder how he got 1000 plots legitly without spending money, cause that sure sounds like Pay to Win. And I double he has every plot filled with decorations and other objects.

I needed 18 plots to have 5k a day. So more plots doesn’t mean more footfall if there is nothing to offer in them.

If you had a backer package and/or leveled a few alts you could get 1000 plots. I would also doubt that an individual has had time to fill 1000 plots, but a group or guild could have.


Right, so let’s not fix what is broken cause in shorter time it will make more money argument. That is short sighted approach for me.

I think there is some perspective difference. If this game was 100% completed I would be miles away already, not bothering to play it. That is not enough content right now to say that. This game was released probably cause devs required money or publisher decided that he need to be sure there is public for this game. They hopefully got that and we can go along with it.
If you think this game is near 100% completed, we live in different universes. On the other hand it is playable game with a lot of content.

Lied? Game is playable, there is content for few hundred hours of gameplay, it is available to buy publicly and they are expanding it.
This is not single player release and forget game. This is MMO game which need to have constant development to keep playerbase paying. Completely different model from call of duty yearly release.

Steam has refund button. Feels like scam, use it. Feels scammed strong enough, go to court. Throwing such strong accusations are actually offenses under multilple countries laws. That gaming community put up with it is nice of them and good pr. Really, using big words like that unnecessary is really getting on my nerves. This is not star citizen…

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Sadly, Jirodyne, I agree with your statement regarding the game being “released” and all of the changes post release. In the minimum they should give everyone a skillset reset token. Legally I think they are protected from liability regarding any changes to their game, but it would be nice to offer reimbursement for such drastic changes post release.


I don’t appreciate people like you trying to incite fear in those speaking their minds. Using scare tactics won’t work. Raising concerns that something may be a scam is far from illegal. In fact I feel he raises an appropriate point.

So why you don’t have a problem with using the same tactics against developers? Cause that’s exactly what that post did.

Edit: okey, I am getting a bit too pissed at this topic. Time to make a break from here.

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He is discussing his feelings/opinions with the community. He never threatened or directed his discussion directly to the developers.

A scam in the US is defined as: Consumer scams are unlawful deceptive practices upon unsuspecting consumers designed to facilitate the payment of money irregardless or grossly disproportionate as to the value of any service actually rendered or any goods provided.

In fact it could be argued that by changing the game so drastically it requires people to purchase skill reset points. Regardless if that is the purpose of the update, it is the result, and thus is a deceptive practice and scam.