Why does this have to be a bad thing? Would it strain the servers too much or something similar? If a planet becomes the center of the universe because 50% of planets stem from it, is that a bad thing? or is it a natural order of human nature?
I have no idea lol
My preference personally, would be to choose where my world orbits. It would certainly be interesting to see how the game would handle 200 sovereign worlds orbiting the same planet
Relative. I thought your image looked fantastic and jaw dropping.
I’d love if we had the option to turn it from 3-5 planets max to however many max. (12 maybe?)
Seeing all those planets is just awesome (to me)
edit: on topic, I’d like to have multiple rentals, and the ‘primary’ rental it’s designated world as the devs outlined previously (t1 orbit t1 t6 orbit t6 , etc) however for ‘additional planets’ past the initial primary, I’d hope those could orbit your primary rental.
So if your primary was a t6, then your additional t1 or t3 would orbit your t6 primary which orbits the t6 main planet.
It used to be that 10 planets could be visible at any given time.
Maybe they could have it so you can see up to 5 permanent planets and up to 5 sovereign worlds at a time (unless that’s already how they’ve set it on testing… I need to get back onto test!)
it is supposed to orbit the same tier public world, so your sovereign t5 should be attachd to a public t5
only when there is no public world of the same tier available, your sovereign will attach to closest available lower tier public world (so, it would look for t4 first, in case no public t5 available for your sovereign t5; when no t4 available either, it would look for t3 etc.)
Personally I promoted this to James - and haven’t heard if I was able to influence a change. I think nothing less than letting people select their planet for orbit is required since the Universe we are in is mature and people have settled into specific areas. For lower tiers it would suck being on one public planet as your home but having your sovereign world many hops away because you were put on a different planet in that region.
If we were all starting out new then that wouldn’t be as important. But since people are paying for this planet they really do need to at least have selection in the region and correct tier location. Especially since people can’t do more customization like fully how the planet looks with terrain, biom, etc.
Since some planets are going to be locked to friends, I am not too worried that planet skies will fill up. Even if so I think the option for at least selection is more important. We can always also allow people to use random if needed as another option.
Yeah, sorry I meant for this release not “never”. I think it would be great if they just took the time to code in the biom, terrain, and other customer features. Better to do it now instead of wait for another year or more to get back around. Of course I guess if it is a ton amount of coding it is worth waiting and more important to get onto the few others things they have planned for this year. Not sure.