Poll: Testing

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
  • Option 5
  • Option 6
  • Option 7
  • Option 8
  • Option 9
  • Option 10
  • Option 11
  • Option 12
  • Option 13
  • Option 14
  • Option 15
  • Option 16
  • Option 17

0 voters

yes it works, Mind sharing what you did? When I made one of my polls I did some things right, but someone had to go in and fix something.


You need to have “Poll :” at the start of your thread subject, minus the “”

Then you have -
[ poll ]

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
    [ /poll ]

But without the spaces between the [ ]
The “-” are required.