Poll: When do YOU think the rental worlds update will be released?

Agreed. Was merely an example to show what might not be standard for some industries is standard for others.

I think myself and many others would greatly appreciate something like this. :heart_eyes:

Edit: I think Bungie has done little hidden hype builders/puzzles well in the past. But they also have a “this week at bungie” post they push out every single week that talks about what’s ongoing and what’s upcoming.

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very confused to whats point off this poll lol

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more like a guessing game to see when it will be released as (expectations/assuming
today did not happen, maybe tomorrow who knows :wink:


Friendly speculation followed by bragging rights.

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There’s an exception here where a specific date tied to already-teased content happens to land on a friday. It would surprise me if there’s not an event beginning tomorrow with multiple matching exos and whatnot.

There was also an explicit statement that the planet release is not tied to the anniversary release so people should probably have that in mind.


Totally agree.

One interesting thing to note is that the placeholder post from James was made on 9/4 (a Friday). If it doesn’t come out tomorrow (and I do not expect it to) that means he’ll have made that placeholder over a week in advance which seems kind of strange to me. Idk if anyone else noticed that.

How do you know it’s not done? How do you know something more than the rest of us?

You’re right, it’s probably been a day or two since they said it isn’t done, so maybe it’s done by now and they just aren’t comfortable releasing it or announcing it right now.

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Jan 1st 2021…or later today.


58% of the voters are out including 5 of the top 6 options :laughing:


Guess we got some poll winners… :3


Hey, I was among the 4% who voted for today, with @Simoyd, @SClayton and @Wschichl. We won!

This deserves a large pizza.

Man, I really need to be paid, this pizza thing is turning into an obsession.


Dude, you’re making me want pizza so bad haha

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i knew it was today because james would never let me win so i assumed it was today
grats to those that guessed correctly!

Here ya go

giphy (14)

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Imagine if Wonderstruck was to add tomatoes to the game, and a way to milk creatures to produce cheese in the mixer! And with flour, you’d make dough, and then, new pizza consumable! So many possible toppings!

I mean come on, let’s stop all this BS with soups and cooked fruits!
Let’s make the big fat yummy food we need!


but… that’s the exact wording of the title :smiley:


Can said pizza turn us into the orange block characters for 15 min


If a developer creative planet is out today then you could argue the worlds (at least one) are out today.