Portal fuel slot

Yup, I read it through the first time correctly. Don’t know what I was thinking the second time. Doh!
I also didn’t realize it was you @SePras! I thought it was somebody making a suggestion :stuck_out_tongue: my bad.

I don’t think anyone said that warps were more expensive. I hope it didn’t seem like I meant that the portal network isn’t expensive either. Like I mentioned in my last comment, the portal networks are great! They do their job and they streamline travel. But in terms of design, if you can put up single portals in a chain to reach planet 40 from 0 when you designed a game to be able to handle more hops it is kinda silly that you would design it in a way that wouldn’t punish the player for doing it that way.

well i guess you can see it as one highway of maybe 10 planets, and side roads of 4 planets. or in other numbers.
if you need to walk true 40 portals XD damn that takes a long time
If you look at solum, in 3 hops you can visit Therka, Berlyn and alternik!

You’re right it wouldnt be that long hehe. I was exaggerating to kinda show the point.

The big thing is that it seems that travel was not only meant to be only through single hops. If you look at it through the ratio of blocks it takes then yeah of 3x5=15 definitely equals more than 2(2x3)=12 but what dictates the size of the portals? It could easily be a 3x4 portal or a 3x3 portal. This value can always be tweaked and cannot be discussed as something that dictates the mechanic. Rather the real issue is Quality of Life and Performance. The other issue is the lack of incentive to build large portals other than convenience, but this is where players draw the line, some think it’s enough to justify the higher cost and some do not.

Well… reason to build a big portal … is the same reason you build in bricks, gems or any expensive rare shiny thing… it shows how rich you are :money_mouth_face:

Im just asking to put more fuel in it not change cost the cost is perfect doable at moment

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the plan, though I dont know what the state of it being put on the “to do soon list” was to have different quality of fuels, with the current oort-shard being the least energy dense.

aka we wont give you more fuel slots, but we will give you higher density fuel where 1 “concentrated oort shard” or whatever is worth 10 oort shards for sake of example, so that the current 891 limit on oort shards in the slot effectively becomes 8910 in this example.


Perfect :slight_smile: thanks

So for the portal hubs, it means:
Having a lot of portals is bad on the system
Having chained portals is bad on the system
Having 5 1x2 portals is worse than having 5 3x6 portals
Having 10 1x2 portals is worse than having 5 3x6 portals per area
Not sure which of the above statement are true/false
If having larger portals is better than having the cost of portals reverse would make sense, 1x1 most fuel cost 10x10 lowest fuel cost.
Would increase need for warp conduit(white), reduce use of smaller portals time. Would probably cause issues with increased warp block(black) usage with min 100c per warp.
Would cause people to plan where they want there base rather than just picking an abandoned side of the planet, and might force ppl to build more together.
Portal hubs would have to be bigger, might have to limit the number of portals per plot
Have the totem upgrade teleport you to the spot you point at?


I think you’re drawing conclusions too quickly on what they think about the portal system. I think, in general, they want to make it easier to make a big portal for players rather than going through their own makeshift portal system to get to their house. This doesn’t mean that single hop portal systems won’t be used. They’re still considerably cheap and sometimes offered for free for players who wish to utilize them. From my experience I know many other players who have their own portal systems. These are single players maybe with a few people living in their towns. I think ultimately they are trying to eliminate this because their systems are not always webs to multiple planets, but just a way to get from point A to B. Now if you think in terms of a Portal Hub vs a city trying to make connections all over a universe the portal hub will ultimately come out to be victorious because it is more efficient. They didn’t say anything about eliminating the way these chains work, but the fact that other players who are not hosting Portal Hub’s like the Portal Seeker’s Hub are given incentive to put strain on the server though single hops. This would be bad when we have many more active daily players.

My guess is that a portal of any distance traveled is a similar strain on the servers, and the more portals one has to walk through to get from A to B puts more strain on servers and clients as you have to load data from multiple planets in between, and wait for portals to load even if you really only want to get from Therka to Alturnik, and don’t care about the stop-overs in Munteen, Vulpto, and Nasharil.

I think then it would make sense from a server/client perspective, in terms of computing power and network costs, that all portals (or at least 1+ hop portals) cost the same, but in-game, longer distances cost more, which means that cheaper Oort shard costs means higher computer/network costs, which is backwards to what the developers might want. :confused: (Do correct me if any of this isn’t right, of course!)


From what I remember devs saying they saw portals as a guild thing - costly enough to make it difficult for a single player or a small group to run. Warps were meant to be a quick and cheap way of moving between more distant locations within a planet or to jump 1-2 hops maybe. If they changed their mind about it I do not know.

Anyway, current situation when a solo player like me can afford running 5-10 small portals to connect his own bases on different worlds, is temporary. Just like drops from creatures and rare resources distribution, portal fuel is not a complete feature yet and we will see big changes in that regard. I’m pretty sure of one thing - don’t get used to what we have too much. The ease of access to portals is something very useful for testing purposes. With player base still small its important that we get a chance to test portal thoroughly, so we get pretty cheap portal block crafting and easily obtainable portal fuel. Thanks to that devs can test how large portal groupings affect connection and level of stress on the game engine etc (although I dont think they expected so many players opening so many individual portals as well as such huge projects as interplanetary portal systems).

In general, in future I expect:

  1. More expensive portal block crafting.
  2. Less access to portal fuel for low/medium level players.
  3. Better fuel efficiency of long-range portals vs. short-range ones.
  4. Some restrictions on multi-hop travels (stamina affected? cool-down period before one can enter another portal etc.)
  5. Warp blocks becoming global mean of travel within one world and up to 2 hops (easily accessible blocks, low cost in coins, buffs upon completing a warp etc.)
  6. Portals becoming an expensive tool that a solo player can only afford in limited numbers (a couple of personal portals - thus making people chose wisely where they want to link their settlements to). Larger portal networks becoming a cooperative venture (guilds, group of players working together).

Your guess is the same as mine on server strain. I agree that the same value is fair. Once again though the issue is that if a 5 hopper is cheaper by creating single portal hops than a five hop portal this would encourage players to develop their own networks rather than making a large portal from a city to their place. As a result, this would indirectly affect server strain as the density of portals would increase throughout the planets. This can be avoided if the cost is equal and even more so if the cost is slightly less.

Edit: I reread and I think you were saying this point exactly. Sorry for the confusion :).

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Any news about this? can you add a couple of slots at least in the meantime?

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Just add compacted oort shards :slight_smile:

At this point if it makes a difference in the servers and maybe reduces lag then I am all for it. I do understand some of other points raised, but lag and server issues are really affecting a large number of players and that does need to be addressed.

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Cool, so tweak the blinks/cost rate to make long jump portals more accessible and everybody happy :slight_smile:

You are mostly correct here is a quote from James:
“But ultimately the hard line is that all players should be able to create and maintain a portal - with reasonable efforts. Clearly there is a balance beyond that. Should everyone be able to maintain portals to every planet? Probably not!”

Reviving an old thread here but given all this oort discussion it seems as relevant as ever, especially if this was one of Jame’s quotes as Kal suggests.

Whether people agree on the way oort is handled or not right now, supply/ usage/etc, this post certainly provides insight in to why things are still the way they are.


funny how my suggestions always get ignored our create discussions about something else lol
the op was to just have it run longer for same price
did not seem gamebreaking to me same time for all size
the amalgam is def not solution for me instead off just having it a little bit easier to manage a portal i now have to run to a crazy ass planet and do a dangerous expedition makes no sense to me
they should just have added a fuel slot lol
i never understood the reason behind limited fueling off portals its not like they in peoples way and they go away when a beacon runs out off fuel

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What if you guys added a skill instead that allowed for longer blink second jumps instead for less blocks needed? Like a 30 blink sec jump for a 2x4

It could be an epic or have levels

Edit: although I do like the condensed oort ideas and concentrations of fuels

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