Portal Fuel Slots

We can fuel beacons for a long time, but portals are still very limited. I see no reason to limit how long a portal can stay open, as the beacon fuel already manages this. It would be nice if we could just have a full row (8 slots) for portal fuel so that they require less maintenance. You already cannot open a portal if it’s outside of a claimed plot. I think that a portal should automatically close if said plot runs out of fuel (not sure what the behavior is on this today). This would mean that portals would have the same time restrictions and rules put in place by the beacon system. Having more fuel slots would mean that portals with higher “blinksec” connections could also be fueled for a long time.

Thoughts anyone?


I can’t find the post to reference this but I think @lucadeltodecso mentioned the idea was to have more efficient fuel. Oort shards being the least efficient, it’s just a matter of time for them to include it if that is still the plan.

Edit: found it.