Portal fueling will eventually make me quit boundless

He wants to give you free oort :wink:


Yeah, I had a really good haul from hunting today. I could donate at least 2k shards, maybe more.


So the takeaway from this thread is:

Devs please give the players what they want by allowing big portals to hold more fuel.

There is no adequate rationale for not doing this.


The system does sort of have its intended effect I guess. I just don’t use portals at all (except once when moving a shedload of stuff between two distant beacons). The fuel source and maintenance demands not aligning with my enjoying the game means I just ignore it like some other in-game systems. So I don’t cause additional server load. :slight_smile:


This really kills me, the one thing this game has is a utter lack of optimization with fueling, if you had to run around to every single beacon and portal when they are about to expire to fuel them and you’re running a planet for example, like? Should that be in world controls to fuel it all? Should there be a machine for this? I think something needs to be done. ): I really hate fueling things that you have to check so often you basically can’t casually play, or have to pay which yes is nice, but still not an option for portals, so you either do tedious stuff, monitor the times, or give up convenience when portals are a huge sell for the game for ‘connecting’ with friends and communities. Just needs refinement asap.

This idea didn’t seem to get traction but it is relevant here.

This topic is all to relatable, When I was running Moonlight canals I spent a majority of the coin earned and the time on portal fuel even though I ran only a few at a given time :roll_eyes: Sometimes I didn’t even want to play because of the stress it would generate


So … yeah … this is a relatable thing for me.

I’d love to have a portal to the Guild I just joined … but it’s on a planet that’s too far away, and I cannot sustain that level of investment in the portal (2x5) to get there. All of which means that I might have to switch guilds, and I’ll feel horrible about it because they literally just gave me a ton of really nice things n’stuff!

All of that is why I kind of don’t want to be in a guild in the first place, because I just wanna get on with it. However it feels like there’s a viscious cycle for newbies and people that are just awful at this (me for both!) which means that we can’t have nice things, and can’t afford nice things AND keep relatively to ourselves. Y’know?


My roommate and I have a small guild (about 10 members last check) and we are set up on my sovereign. The guild is open for anyone to join and we don’t require that you move. But guild members do have the option to build on the sovereign. We’re in orbit around Cephonex Merika.
I usually give aid to new players, usually in the form of a good grapple, some coin, gleam, and some basic materials. I do that for anyone.

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Yeah … I’m trying to do the same (and I’m only level 30 ish) … but I gave my mate some stone gear to start off with … I’ll give her some better stuff in a bit.

I will say that it’s very nice having the nice things, but it does make us want them more. :wink:

Hmm. I might check your place out, tarranth. :slight_smile: Cheers!

No mans sky, portals AND space ships. :slight_smile: lol

Portals and spaceships do exist in No Mans Sky

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Anyone quit yet? Now you know only a percentage of work is being put into boundless due to help with another game that has its issues.

I don’t think badly of a games company trying to develop a new game, mate. So, no, that’s not going to be a reason I quit a game.

( not said with any mean intent, etc, etc. :slight_smile: )

I know. But transparency is important when the ADVERTISING trailer shows a multitude of things that STILL to this day has yet to be implemented. It took 4 years for that liar creator of no mans sky to fix his ■■■■. I think the primary reason he won game awards of the year is he shut down all communication, went to work and produced what he promised from the beginning with… drum roll please… NO additional transactions.

They are not technically developing a “new game”. This is the third game in the series that has its own many issues they are helping with as James has stated. If anything James needs help fixing his game.

So, the Empire Strikes Back wasn’t a new film when it was released, because it was part of a series? :wink:

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So, since we’re wholly off topic here…

Boundless probably doesn’t produce enough revenue to support itself, which is common for smaller studios like this, so a common solution is to split part of the team off to earn revenue through contract work on other games and movies in order to finance the main project.

It is likely that you have this backwards. Without this work, Boundless could be dead already.


I’m not sure who anyone of you are. I’ve been playing and invested hundreds of US dollars into this game waiting for what was promised. Roadmap, no road map. This is old news to original players like me. Hense why this post was even made. Star Wars has nothing to do with this.

But what if (and I know it goes beyond the realms of possible, because who could resist this game :slightly_smiling_face:) … but what if not everyone has invested quite as much as you?