Portal in Sanctum won't open


What am I doing wrong here? Or is this a glitch?

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This happens to me on Occasion. Close down boundless and start it up again. If that doesn’t work then it may be a server that’s down.


What is your setting for max open portals if it is one, that is why.

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good call.

If this is the case then it’s an issue with the game - and would need to be fixed. Please confirm @vdragon.

Yeah, definitely the case, I noticed today.

Was the issue only occurring for the location you were trying to warp? I haven’t encountered any problems like this so far when I checked. If you’re still getting this to occur, then please share a game log just after you tried warp to your chosen location so that the information should be up to date.

@vdragon Release 186 - Report issues here

I can likely replicate it. I’ll be on later today.