Portal Network Maps

Any of the portal networks have maps of their current networks? There’s been some changes and I’m trying to keep up lol. Feel free to post they here if you have them… consider it a footfall promo!!


Portal Seekers keeps their planetary network here, if you need. :]



For TNT(Circa) and Ultima(Eresho) I don’t think there really needs to be a map since their main hub is linked to all the planets. Other than t5/t6 and if I recall the link to the high tier ones is pretty much the same for everyone because of distance. But I’m sure they will post their map when they see this.


@uni3k @MrNiX


heres Ultima:

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Oh that’s right I forgot it has the use usw etc stuff. My bad. Thanks for posting the picture

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TNT Network doesnt need a map, everything is in one spot. Best i could do was a street sign.



I didn’t know how your tier 6 works tho. I imagine you need to travel to other places to get to them

good friends, here is the map of seekers


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My mall stall is generating sales but no footfall revenue. Let me know if more details would help troubleshoot this, although it seems to be a similar problem to that experienced by others. Thanks

T5s are all in the first hub, and its just a straight shot through all the t6s… the street sign is accurate for those too. :grin:

Thank you all for posting, very helpful information.

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I’m sorry to inform you that the current Portal Seekers network map you sended is outdated. We decided few months back that we want to centralise it more. The current main ring is Lamblis, Boori, Grovidiast Te and Biitula

This is our current map

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What happened to Portal Seekers?