Portal towards prestige

I have noticed something funny.

I have this small location on Septerfon, I built for mining purposes. It had 2000+ prestige with an inactive portal built there.
Then I activated the portal and beacon prestige fell to 1700 -ish.

Clearly there are prestige points assigned to portal conduits and I lost the points as soon as I broke the blocks to open the portal.

Wouldn’t it make sense if active portal give prestige too? And more than inactive one?
So if I lost around 300-400 prestige for breaking 6 portal conduits, wouldn’t it be nice for me to have that replaced with at least double that for 6 blocks size open portal, giving me a few hundred more prestige than I had before opening the portal?


You have our support! There are few endeavors more worthy of praise than bringing the light of the Oort to every corner of this dark realm!


I agree with this… im guessing that an active portal is not considered individual blocks (or as blocks at all) and therefor not factored in the prestige system… i would imagine this could be added and is probably on the to-do-list… just not a high priority =/


I agree…

In the Fire Caverns we just reopened our new portal to Alturnik and the Australia group. The build went from about 12,000 prestige to 10,424. A portal that is OPEN should give more prestige because it provides more VALUE to the game and those playing it.

I assume it goes away because the conduits cease to exist or something when the portal opens. If this is the reason then portal conduits should provide no prestige or it should be fixed so open portals help us not hinder.


We’ll get this fixed.