Portals will not close

I am wondering if anyone else encountered this problem. I have these 2 portals set up on Vulpto in Unincorperated 1.0 and when trying to close them, they would not close, and when left to run out of time, the portals still remain. I checked the exit locations, and the portal conduits on that side have closed, but these ones will not.

When you clicked on the Close Portal option, did a popup appear on screen and then you clicked on Confirm?

Please share a game log after you went through the process again so that we can see if there’s anything unusual in the file.

Yep, everything looks normal, but the portal just won’t close.

Here’s the log

Try adding 1 more fuel for it to close?

EDIT: Also, just hitting it with a hammer a few times should destroy it too.

Either actions might help with additional info around the bug.

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could you come bug moebius plaza portals
so no more fuel :smile:

Just tried adding more fuel but it does not do anything. Tried swinging the hammer but it will not break.

What about unplotting the spot. Not sure if that would make a difference or not but might be worth a shot.

We’ve logged a bug. Was the log copied from log.txt or boundless_log.txt?

copied from log.txt

I unplotted the area, still no change. i’m gonna let regen take the area back. :sob:


Three of my 1x2 portals in Wyntervale will not close as described above. In each case, the problematic portal was the initiating portal. After some experimentation, I believe the portal won’t close properly if you open a portal connection with the initiating portal being a 1x2 portal oriented east/west.